Rcmdr Support for the HH Package

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Documentation for package ‘RcmdrPlugin.HH’ version 1.1-51

Help Pages

RcmdrPlugin.HH-package Functions added to the Rcmdr package to support the introductory course at Temple University.
analyzeTwoWayTable.HH Rcmdr menu interface to chisq.test
anovaTableI.HH Rcmdr interfacce to anova function
anovaTableII.HH Rcmdr interfacce to anova function
AOVModelsP Menu interface to MMC plots.
bestSubsetsRegressionModel.HH Rcmdr interface to the regsubsets function in the leaps package.
BoxCox Rcmdr BoxCox demo renamed to active function.
ChisqHypothesesPlot Rcmdr normalHypothesesPlot and tHypothesesPlot menu.
CloseCommanderNoQuestionRestart Close Rcmdr without questions and then restart.
CloseCommanderRestart Close Rcmdr without questions and then restart.
confidenceIntervalsPlot Rcmdr interface to plot confidence and prediction intervals in simple linear regression
DotplottbRcmdr Rcmdr menu interface to dotplot(panel=panel.dotplot.tb).
enterTable.HH Rcmdr menu interface to chisq.test
FHypothesesPlot Rcmdr normalHypothesesPlot and tHypothesesPlot menu.
H600 Set Rcmdr options for good visibility on classroom projector and on netbook screen with 600 pixel height.
Interaction2wtRcmdr Rcmdr menu interface to interaction2wt
latticeFunctions Support functions for the Xyplot.HH2 function.
latticePanelFunctions Support functions for the Xyplot.HH2 function.
LikertFormula Rcmdr Menu function to specify a likert plot.
LikertFormulaConstruct Rcmdr Menu function to specify a likert plot.
listAllLikertCapable Rcmdr Menu function to specify a likert plot.
listAllTrellisObjects Rcmdr Menu function to specify combining and resizing "trellis" objects.
MMC2menu Menu interface to MMC plots.
MMCmenu Menu interface to MMC plots.
normal.and.t.hypotheses.plot Rcmdr normalHypothesesPlot and tHypothesesPlot menu.
normalHypothesesPlot Rcmdr normalHypothesesPlot and tHypothesesPlot menu.
PlotLikertDialog Rcmdr Menu function to specify a likert plot.
PredictModel Rcmdr menu interface to predict
Projector Set Rcmdr options for good visibility on classroom projector and on netbook screen with 600 pixel height.
QQPlot.HH Quantile-Comparison (QQ) Plot
RcmdrPlugin.HH Functions added to the Rcmdr package to support the introductory course at Temple University.
Regr1Plot Rcmdr Menu function to display the squared residuals.
ResizeEtcDialog Rcmdr Menu function to specify combining and resizing "trellis" objects.
R_options Set R options from within R commander.
Scatter3D Rcmdr 3D Scatterplot Dialog (HH)
Scatter3DDialog.HH Rcmdr 3D Scatterplot Dialog (HH)
scatter3dHH Three-Dimensional Scatterplots and Point Identification
scatterPlot.HH Scatterplot menu with different defaults than Rcmdr.
scatterPlotMatrix.HH Scatterplot Matrices
splomFormula Support functions for the Xyplot.HH2 function.
tHypothesesPlot Rcmdr normalHypothesesPlot and tHypothesesPlot menu.
twoWayTable.HH Rcmdr menu interface to chisq.test
usualFormula Support functions for the Xyplot.HH2 function.
varPosnOriginal Rcmdr Menu function to specify a likert plot.
Xyplot.HH Rcmdr Menu function to specify xyolot, other lattice plots, and likert plots.
Xyplot.HH2 Rcmdr Menu function to specify xyolot, other lattice plots, and likert plots.