xtableExport {RcmdrPlugin.Export}R Documentation

Export objects using xtable


Rcmdr interface to export objects to LaTeX or HTML code.




The graphical interface is limited to exporting objects supported by xtable. For some objects, however, the plug-in attempts to work around the limitations, either by converting the object to a supported class or by considering only the relevant element from its structure. Objects of certain classes are simply ignored and are not displayed in the dialogue.

If the retrieved object is on the ignored list, initialising the dialogue will fail "silently", display a warning message and attempt re-initialize. If the stack is empty, or contains only objects that cannot be exported, initializing the dialogue will fail "silently" and display an error message.

Depending on the class of the retrieved object, the plug-in will attempt to propose a vector of approapriate length for the digits argument. By default, the vector will set all columns to "2", a double-digit precision. If the user does not modify the vector, the plug-in will generate the export command by ignoring the vector and resorting to the xtable defaults.

The size printing option should be any valid LaTeX size (see [1]).

The file option lets you specify an output file. Only the name of the file should be entered; the plug-in will add the extension automatically depending on the chosen export format. This behaviour is intended to prevent the user from making carelesss errors, such as exporting LaTeX code to an .html file.

Unlike in xtable, the append printing option defaults to TRUE. The conservative approach was chosen since by default xtable overwrites existing files; in case of a name clash, it could be easier to recover the files. The option is ignored when the file input field is empty, and doesn't affect the process of outputting to new files.




Liviu Andronic landronimirc@gmail.com


[1] http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Formatting#Font_Styles_and_size

See Also


[Package RcmdrPlugin.Export version 0.3-1 Index]