SampleHazard |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleHazardNonInf |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMean |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMeanCI |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMeanNonInf |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMeanPaired |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SamplePhaseII |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportion |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportionCI |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportionNonInf |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportionSingleArm |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleSelectionDesign |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
saveLog |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
sd2 |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
ShipWeight |
Ship weight data for linear regression |
skewness.kurtosis |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
st.diff.binom |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.binom.w |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.categor |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.categor.w |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.multinom |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.multinom.w |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.numeric |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.numeric.w |
Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
stackcuminc |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
StatMedAdjustedCumInc |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedAdjustedSurvival |
EZR dialogs |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedANOVA |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedBarGraph |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedBarMeans |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedBartlett |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedBinVariable |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedBoxPlot |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedChangePalette |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedChrToFactor |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCLogistic |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCloseCommander |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedcloseCommander |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedcloseCommanderAndR |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCochranQ |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCompute |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedConsort |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCopyDataset |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCorrelation |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCountMissing |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCoxRegression |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCoxTD |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCrr |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCrrTD |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCumInc |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedCurrentSurvival |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedDatediff |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedDeleteVariable |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedDropUnusedFactorLevels |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedDummy |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedEnterTable |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedExportDataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedExportStata |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedFactorToNumeric |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedFilterNA |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedFrequency |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedFriedman |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedFTest |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedGraphOptions |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedGroupsBox |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedHistogram |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportExcel |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportMinitab |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportRODBCtable |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportSPSS |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportSTATA |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedJT |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedKaplanMeier |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedKappa |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedKruWalli |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedKS |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLinearMixedModel |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLinearRegression |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLinePlot |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadCP932DataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadDataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadLogCP932 |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadWorkspace |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLog |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLogisticRegression |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedLogrankTrend |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMannW |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMatching |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMcNemar |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMeanCI |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMergeDatasets |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMeta |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMetaCont |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMetaHazard |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMH |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedModelFormula |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMultiANOVA |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedMultinomialLogitModel |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedNAgroup |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedNetworkMeta |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedNewVar |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedNewVar2 |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedNumericalSummaries |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedNumericToFactor |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedOrderedChart |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedOrdinalRegressionModel |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPairedTtest |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPieChart |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPlotMeans |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedplotMeans |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerHazard |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerMeans |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerMeansPaired |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerProportions |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerProportionsSingle |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPredictiveValue |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbCI |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbDiffCI |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbRatioCI |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbSingle |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedPropTrend |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedQQPlot |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedReadDataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedRecodeDialog |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedReliability |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedRenameDataset |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedRenameVariables |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedRenewDataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedReorderFactor |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedRepANOVA |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedROC |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedROCtest |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleHazard |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleHazardNonInf |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeans |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeansCI |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeansNonInf |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeansPaired |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSamplePhaseII |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportions |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportionsCI |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportionsNonInf |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportionsSingle |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleSelectionDesign |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSankey |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSaveDataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedScatterPlot |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedScatterPlotMatrix |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSetContrasts |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSetPalette |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSG |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSingleSampleTTest |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSort |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSpearman |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedStack |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedStackCumInc |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedStCox |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedStemAndLeaf |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedStripChart |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSubsetBox |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSubsetDataSet |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSummaryResults |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSurvivalROC |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedSwimPlot |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedTableOne |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedTest |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedTrainTestSplit |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedTtest |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedTwoWayTable |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedVariableCheck |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedViolinPlot |
EZR dialogs |
StatMedWilSign |
EZR dialogs |
Steel |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
Steel.Dwass |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.AIC.crr |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.cox |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.coxcrrtd |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.coxtd |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.crr |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.glm |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.lm |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
stsplit |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) | |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) | |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) | |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
summary.table.MH |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
summary.table.twoway |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SwimmerPlot |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
swimmer_arrows |
Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |