BarplotFor3Factors | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
ChrToFactor | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
Cochran.Q.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
cox.subgroup.forest | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
CP932toUTF8 | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
crr.subgroup.forest | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
crrAIC | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
currentFields | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
CurrentSurvival | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
dataframe_print | Create a formatted table for presentation |
dot.plot | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
epi.kappa | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
epi.tests | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
error.bar | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
EZR | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
EZRdialogs | EZR dialogs |
EZRhelp | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
EZRVersion | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
finaltable_dataframe_print | Create a formatted table for presentation |
gassign | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
get.median.ci | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
glm.subgroup.forest | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
hist2 | Modified version of hist() |
HistEZR | Plot a Histogram |
ifelse2 | Conditional Element Selection |
IPTW.ATE | Inverse probability of treatment weighting using stabilized weights based on propensity score |
listCoxModels | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
listLMModels | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
listLMMs | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
logrank.trend | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
Mantel.Byar | mantel-Byar test |
modelFormulaCox | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
nchar.ZenToHan | Create a formatted table for presentation |
nchar_ZenToHan | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
NewWindow | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
nrisk | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
numSummary2 | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
objectCheck | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
OrderedPlot | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pairwise.friedman.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pairwise.gray.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pairwise.kruskal.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pairwise.logrank.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pairwise.pairedt.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pairwise.prop2.test | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
par.cex | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
par.lwd | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
par.option | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
pdunnett | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
PowerHazard | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
PowerMean | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
PowerMeanPaired | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
PowerProportion | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
PowerProportionSingleArm | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
print.ci.summary | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
prop.conf | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
prop.diff.conf | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
prop.ratio.conf | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
propensity.plot | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
readStataEZR | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
RemoveOutlier | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
rmean.table | caluculation of restricted mean survival |
rmean.table.adjusted | caluculation of restricted mean survival |
roc.best | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleHazard | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleHazardNonInf | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMean | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMeanCI | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMeanNonInf | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleMeanPaired | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SamplePhaseII | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportion | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportionCI | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportionNonInf | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleProportionSingleArm | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SampleSelectionDesign | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
saveLog | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
sd2 | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
ShipWeight | Ship weight data for linear regression |
skewness.kurtosis | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
st.diff.binom | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.binom.w | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.categor | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.categor.w | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.multinom | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.multinom.w | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.numeric | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
st.diff.numeric.w | Calculate standardized difference to assess balance of covariates in unweighted and weighted dataset. |
stackcuminc | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
StatMedAdjustedCumInc | EZR dialogs |
StatMedAdjustedSurvival | EZR dialogs |
StatMedANCOVA | EZR dialogs |
StatMedANOVA | EZR dialogs |
StatMedBarGraph | EZR dialogs |
StatMedBarMeans | EZR dialogs |
StatMedBartlett | EZR dialogs |
StatMedBinVariable | EZR dialogs |
StatMedBoxPlot | EZR dialogs |
StatMedChangePalette | EZR dialogs |
StatMedChrToFactor | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCLogistic | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCloseCommander | EZR dialogs |
StatMedcloseCommander | EZR dialogs |
StatMedcloseCommanderAndR | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCochranQ | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCompute | EZR dialogs |
StatMedConsort | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCopyDataset | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCorrelation | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCountMissing | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCoxRegression | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCoxTD | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCrr | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCrrTD | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCumInc | EZR dialogs |
StatMedCurrentSurvival | EZR dialogs |
StatMedDatediff | EZR dialogs |
StatMedDeleteVariable | EZR dialogs |
StatMedDropUnusedFactorLevels | EZR dialogs |
StatMedDummy | EZR dialogs |
StatMedEnterTable | EZR dialogs |
StatMedExportDataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedExportStata | EZR dialogs |
StatMedFactorToNumeric | EZR dialogs |
StatMedFilterNA | EZR dialogs |
StatMedFrequency | EZR dialogs |
StatMedFriedman | EZR dialogs |
StatMedFTest | EZR dialogs |
StatMedGraphOptions | EZR dialogs |
StatMedGroupsBox | EZR dialogs |
StatMedHistogram | EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportExcel | EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportMinitab | EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportRODBCtable | EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportSPSS | EZR dialogs |
StatMedImportSTATA | EZR dialogs |
StatMedJT | EZR dialogs |
StatMedKaplanMeier | EZR dialogs |
StatMedKappa | EZR dialogs |
StatMedKruWalli | EZR dialogs |
StatMedKS | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLinearMixedModel | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLinearRegression | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLinePlot | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadCP932DataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadDataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadLogCP932 | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLoadWorkspace | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLog | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLogisticRegression | EZR dialogs |
StatMedLogrankTrend | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMannW | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMatching | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMcNemar | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMeanCI | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMergeDatasets | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMeta | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMetaCont | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMetaHazard | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMH | EZR dialogs |
StatMedModelFormula | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMultiANOVA | EZR dialogs |
StatMedMultinomialLogitModel | EZR dialogs |
StatMedNAgroup | EZR dialogs |
StatMedNetworkMeta | EZR dialogs |
StatMedNewVar | EZR dialogs |
StatMedNewVar2 | EZR dialogs |
StatMedNumericalSummaries | EZR dialogs |
StatMedNumericToFactor | EZR dialogs |
StatMedOrderedChart | EZR dialogs |
StatMedOrdinalRegressionModel | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPairedTtest | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPieChart | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPlotMeans | EZR dialogs |
StatMedplotMeans | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerHazard | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerMeans | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerMeansPaired | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerProportions | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPowerProportionsSingle | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPredictiveValue | EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbCI | EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbDiffCI | EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbRatioCI | EZR dialogs |
StatMedProbSingle | EZR dialogs |
StatMedPropTrend | EZR dialogs |
StatMedQQPlot | EZR dialogs |
StatMedReadDataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedRecodeDialog | EZR dialogs |
StatMedReliability | EZR dialogs |
StatMedRenameDataset | EZR dialogs |
StatMedRenameVariables | EZR dialogs |
StatMedRenewDataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedReorderFactor | EZR dialogs |
StatMedRepANOVA | EZR dialogs |
StatMedROC | EZR dialogs |
StatMedROCtest | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleHazard | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleHazardNonInf | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeans | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeansCI | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeansNonInf | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleMeansPaired | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSamplePhaseII | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportions | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportionsCI | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportionsNonInf | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleProportionsSingle | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSampleSelectionDesign | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSankey | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSaveDataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedScatterPlot | EZR dialogs |
StatMedScatterPlotMatrix | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSetContrasts | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSetPalette | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSG | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSingleSampleTTest | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSort | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSpearman | EZR dialogs |
StatMedStack | EZR dialogs |
StatMedStackCumInc | EZR dialogs |
StatMedStCox | EZR dialogs |
StatMedStemAndLeaf | EZR dialogs |
StatMedStripChart | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSubsetBox | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSubsetDataSet | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSummaryResults | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSurvivalROC | EZR dialogs |
StatMedSwimPlot | EZR dialogs |
StatMedTableOne | EZR dialogs |
StatMedTest | EZR dialogs |
StatMedTrainTestSplit | EZR dialogs |
StatMedTtest | EZR dialogs |
StatMedTwoWayTable | EZR dialogs |
StatMedVariableCheck | EZR dialogs |
StatMedViolinPlot | EZR dialogs |
StatMedWilSign | EZR dialogs |
Steel | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
Steel.Dwass | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.AIC.crr | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.cox | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.coxcrrtd | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.coxtd | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.crr | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.glm | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
step.p.lm | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
stsplit | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
stsplit.new | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
summary.ci | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
summary.km | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
summary.table.MH | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
summary.table.twoway | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
SwimmerPlot | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
swimmer_arrows | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
trim.col.na | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
twoway_dataframe_print | Create a formatted table for presentation |
var2 | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
w.ci | Create a formatted table for presentation |
w.multi | Create a formatted table for presentation |
w.multireg | Create a formatted table for presentation |
w.survival | Create a formatted table for presentation |
w.ttest | Create a formatted table for presentation |
w.twoway | Create a formatted table for presentation |
waldtest | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
waldtest.crr | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |
window.type | Rcmdr Plug-In Package for the EZR (Easy R especially for medical statistics) |