dccvModel {RcmdrPlugin.DCCV} | R Documentation |
Fit Model to DCCV Data
Fit a model to DCCV data.
This dialog box implements a parametric analysis of DCCV data using
(single-bounded DCCV),
(one-and-one-half-bounded DCCV), or
(double-bounded DCCV)
in package DCchoice.
This dialog box is activated if a data frame is selected as the active
data set.
For details on the results of this dialog box, refer to the help content
for functions
, and
GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.
Name for model
: An R object name into which the results of a fitted model obtained through this dialog box are stored. The default name ‘DCCVmodel.x
’, wherex
indicates the integer number assigned automatically from1
, can be changed following R's rules for naming objects. -
Choice format
: A choice format type for DCCV to be analyzed. Select one of the three radio buttons corresponding to ‘Single-bounded (SB)
’, ‘One-and-one-half-bounded (OOHB)
’, and ‘Double-bounded (DB)
’. -
1st response variable
: A response variable for the suggested price in the first stage of an SB-, OOHB-, or DB-DCCV question. Select it from a drop-down list of variables. -
2nd response variable
: A response variable for the suggested price in the second stage of an OOHB- or DB-DCCV question. Select it from a drop-down list of variables. -
Covariates (optional)
: Variables to be used as covariates in the model to be fitted. Select none or more variables from a list box of variables. -
1st bid variable
: A bid variable containing the suggested price in the first stage of an SB-, OOHB-, or DB-DCCV question. Select it from a drop-down list of variables. -
2nd bid variable
: A bid variable containing the suggested price in the second stage of an OOHB- or DB-DCCV question. Select it from a drop-down list of variables. -
Take the log of bid
: A check box for taking the logarithm of the bid variables. When checked, take the logarithm of the bid variable(s) selected by the ‘1st bid variable
’ and ‘2nd bid variable
’ drop-down lists. -
: An error distribution of the model. Select one from radio buttons corresponding to ‘Logistic
’, ‘Normal
’, ‘Log-logistic
’, ‘Log-normal
’, and ‘Weibull
’. -
Subset expression
: A logical expression for specifying a subset of the observations in the active data set to be used for the fitting. If necessary, type a valid logical expression into this box. -
Initial parameters (optional)
: Initial parameters of independent variables (covariates and bid variables selected above) used in the optimization process of fitting a model. If necessary, type comma-separated values (e.g., 0.3, 1.5, -0.9, ...) into this box.