reshapeL2W {RcmdrMisc}R Documentation

Reshape Repeated-Measures Data from Long to Wide Format


A simple front-end to the standard R reshape function. The data are assumed to be in "long" format, with several rows for each subject.


reshapeL2W(data, within, id, varying, ignore)



a data frame in long format.


a character vector of names of the within-subjects factors in the long form of the data; there must be at least one within-subjects factor.


the (character) name of the variable representing the subject identifier in the long form of the data set; that is, rows with the same id belong to the same subject.


a character vector of names of the occasion-varying variables in the long form of the data; there must be at least one such variable, and typically there will be just one, an occasion-varying response variable.


an optional character vector of names of variables in the long form of the data to exclude from the wide data set.


Between-subjects variables don't vary by occasions for each subject. Variables that aren't listed explicitly in the arguments to the function are assumed to be between-subjects variables, and a warning is printed if their values aren't invariant for each subject (see the ignore argument).

Within-subjects factors vary by occasions for each subject, and it is assumed that the within-subjects design is regular, completely crossed, and balanced, so that the same combinations of within-subjects factors are observed for each subject.

Occasion-varying variables, as their name implies, (potentially) vary by occasions for each subject, and include one or more "response" variables, possibly along with occasion-varying covariates; these variables can be factors as well as numeric variables.

The data are reshaped so that there is one row per subject, with columns for the between-subjects variables, and each occasion-varying variable as multiple columns representing the combinations of levels of the within-subjects factors. The names of the columns for the occasion-varying variables are composed from the combinations of levels of the within-subjects factors and from the names of the occasion-varying variables. If a subject in the long form of the data set lacks any combination of levels of within-subjects factors, he or she is excluded (with a warning) from the wide form of the data.


a data frame in "wide" format, with one row for each subject, columns representing the between subjects factors, and columns for the occasion-varying variable(s) for each combination of within-subjects factors.


John Fox

See Also

reshape, OBrienKaiser, OBrienKaiserLong.


if (require(carData)){
  OBW <- reshapeL2W(OBrienKaiserLong,
                    within=c("phase", "hour"), 
                    id="id", varying="score")
  # should be the same as OBrienKaiser in the carData package:
  all.equal(OBrienKaiser, OBW, check.attributes=FALSE)

[Package RcmdrMisc version 2.9-1 Index]