R Commander

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Documentation for package ‘Rcmdr’ version 2.9-2

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X misc

Rcmdr-package R Commander

-- A --

activateMenus Rcmdr Utility Functions
ActiveDataSet Rcmdr Utility Functions
activeDataSet Rcmdr Utility Functions
activeDataSetP Rcmdr Utility Functions
ActiveModel Rcmdr Utility Functions
activeModel Rcmdr Utility Functions
activeModelP Rcmdr Utility Functions
anovaP Rcmdr Utility Functions
AuxiliarySoftware Install R Commander Auxiliary Software

-- B --

beginRmdBlock Rcmdr Utility Functions
beginRnwBlock Rcmdr Utility Functions
buttonRcmdr Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- C --

CFA Rcmdr Confirmatory Factor Analysis Dialog
Character Rcmdr Utility Functions
characterP Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkActiveDataSet Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkActiveModel Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkBoxes Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkClass Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkFactors Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkMethod Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkNumeric Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkReplace Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkTwoLevelFactors Rcmdr Utility Functions
checkVariables Rcmdr Utility Functions
closeCommander Rcmdr Utility Functions
closeDialog Rcmdr Utility Functions
Coef Rcmdr Utility Functions
Coefficients Rcmdr Utility Functions
CoefficientsP Rcmdr Utility Functions
Command Compose R Commands from Character Strings
Commander R Commander
Commander-es R Commander
commanderPosition Rcmdr Utility Functions
CommanderWindow Rcmdr Utility Functions
Compute Rcmdr Compute Dialog

-- D --

dataSetsP Rcmdr Utility Functions
defmacro Rcmdr Utility Functions
dialogSuffix Rcmdr Utility Functions
DiscreteNumeric Rcmdr Utility Functions
discreteNumericP Rcmdr Utility Functions
doItAndPrint Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- E --

editDataset R Commander Dataset Editor
editDataset.character R Commander Dataset Editor
editDataset.data.frame R Commander Dataset Editor
editDataset.NULL R Commander Dataset Editor
EffectP Rcmdr Utility Functions
endRmdBlock Rcmdr Utility Functions
endRnwBlock Rcmdr Utility Functions
enterKnitr Rcmdr Utility Functions
enterMarkdown Rcmdr Utility Functions
errorCondition Rcmdr Utility Functions
exists.method Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- F --

Factors Rcmdr Utility Functions
factorsP Rcmdr Utility Functions
flushDialogMemory Rcmdr Utility Functions
formulaFields Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- G --

gassign Rcmdr Utility Functions
generalizedLinearModel Rcmdr Generalized Linear Model Dialog
getCases Rcmdr Utility Functions
getDialog Rcmdr Utility Functions
getFrame Rcmdr Utility Functions
getFrame.combobox Rcmdr Utility Functions
getFrame.listbox Rcmdr Utility Functions
getRcmdr Rcmdr Utility Functions
getSelection Rcmdr Utility Functions
getSelection.combobox Rcmdr Utility Functions
getSelection.listbox Rcmdr Utility Functions
gettextRcmdr Rcmdr Utility Functions
glmP Rcmdr Utility Functions
GrabFocus Rcmdr Utility Functions
groupsBox Rcmdr Utility Functions
groupsLabel Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- H --

hclustSolutionsP Rcmdr Utility Functions
hierarchicalCluster Rcmdr Hierarchical Clustering Dialog

-- I --

initializeDialog Rcmdr Utility Functions
insertRmdSection Rcmdr Utility Functions
is.SciViews Rcmdr Utility Functions
is.valid.name Rcmdr Utility Functions
is.valid.number Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- J --

justDoIt Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- K --

knitrP Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- L --

labelRcmdr Rcmdr Utility Functions
Library Rcmdr Utility Functions
linearModel Rcmdr Linear Model Dialog
listAllModels Rcmdr Utility Functions
listAOVModels Rcmdr Utility Functions
listCharacter Rcmdr Utility Functions
listDataSets Rcmdr Utility Functions
listDiscreteNumeric Rcmdr Utility Functions
listFactors Rcmdr Utility Functions
listGeneralizedLinearModels Rcmdr Utility Functions
listLinearModels Rcmdr Utility Functions
listMultinomialLogitModels Rcmdr Utility Functions
listNumeric Rcmdr Utility Functions
listPlugins Rcmdr Utility Functions
listProportionalOddsModels Rcmdr Utility Functions
listTwoLevelFactors Rcmdr Utility Functions
listVariables Rcmdr Utility Functions
lmP Rcmdr Utility Functions
logger Rcmdr Utility Functions
logLikP Rcmdr Utility Functions
LogWindow Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- M --

MacOSXP Rcmdr Utility Functions
manualTranslationP Rcmdr Utility Functions
MarkdownP Rcmdr Utility Functions
mavericksP Rcmdr Utility Functions
Message Rcmdr Utility Functions
MessagesWindow Rcmdr Utility Functions
modelCapability Rcmdr Utility Functions
modelFormula Rcmdr Utility Functions
modelsP Rcmdr Utility Functions
multinomP Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- N --

Numeric Rcmdr Utility Functions
numericP Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- O --

OKCancelHelp Rcmdr Utility Functions
OutputWindow Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- P --

packageAvailable Rcmdr Utility Functions
Plugins R Commander Plug-in Packages
polrP Rcmdr Utility Functions
popCommand Rcmdr Utility Functions
popOutput Rcmdr Utility Functions
Predictors Rcmdr Utility Functions
PredictorsP Rcmdr Utility Functions
putDialog Rcmdr Utility Functions
putRcmdr Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- Q --

Q Compose R Commands from Character Strings

-- R --

R Commander Utilities Rcmdr Utility Functions
radioButtons Rcmdr Utility Functions
RappP Rcmdr Utility Functions
Rcmdr R Commander
Rcmdr Utilities Rcmdr Utility Functions
Rcmdr-internal 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
Rcmdr.Utilities Rcmdr Utility Functions
RcmdrEditor Rcmdr Utility Functions
RcmdrPager Pager for Text Files
RcmdrTclSet Rcmdr Utility Functions
RcmdrTkmessageBox Rcmdr Utility Functions
RecodeDialog Rcmdr Recode Dialog
removeLastRmdBlock Rcmdr Utility Functions
removeLastRnwBlock Rcmdr Utility Functions
removeNullRmdBlocks Rcmdr Utility Functions
removeNullRnwBlocks Rcmdr Utility Functions
removeStrayRmdBlocks Rcmdr Utility Functions
removeStrayRnwBlocks Rcmdr Utility Functions
RepeatedMeasuresDialogs R Commander Repeated-Measures ANOVA/ANCOVA Dialogs
ReshapeDatasetDialogs R Commander Reshape Data Set Dialogs
RExcelSupported Rcmdr Utility Functions
rglLoaded Rcmdr Utility Functions
RmdWindow Rcmdr Utility Functions
RnwWindow Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- S --

saveOptions Save R Commander Options in an R Profile File
Scatter3D Rcmdr 3D Scatterplot Dialog
Scatter3DDialog Rcmdr 3D Scatterplot Dialog
ScriptEditor R Commander Script Editor
setBusyCursor Rcmdr Utility Functions
setIdleCursor Rcmdr Utility Functions
showData 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
sortVarNames Rcmdr Utility Functions
subOKCancelHelp Rcmdr Utility Functions
subsetBox Rcmdr Utility Functions
suppressMarkdown Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- T --

tcl 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tclRequire 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tclServiceMode 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tclvalue Rcmdr Utility Functions
tclvalue<- 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tclVar 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
titleLabel Rcmdr Utility Functions
tkbind 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkcget 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkcheckbutton 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkchooseDirectory 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkconfigure 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkcurselection 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkdelete 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkdestroy 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkentry 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkfocus Rcmdr Utility Functions
tkframe 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgetOpenFile 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgetSaveFile 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgrab.release 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgrab.set 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgrid 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgrid.columnconfigure 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgrid.configure 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkgrid.rowconfigure 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkicursor 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkindex 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkinsert 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkinvoke 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkitemconfigure 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tklabel 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tklistbox 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkmark.set 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkmessageBox 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkpack 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkradiobutton 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkraise 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkscale 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkscrollbar 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkselection.clear 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkselection.present 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkselection.set 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkset 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkspinbox Rcmdr Utility Functions
tktag.configure 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tktext 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tktoplevel 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwait.window 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.deiconify 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.geometry 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.iconbitmap 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.protocol 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.resizable 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.title 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkwm.transient 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkxview 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkxview.moveto 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkyview 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tkyview.scroll 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
tk_select.list 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
trim.blanks Rcmdr Utility Functions
ttkcheckbutton 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
ttkentry Rcmdr Utility Functions
ttkframe Rcmdr Utility Functions
ttklabelframe 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.
ttkradiobutton Rcmdr Utility Functions
ttkscrollbar Rcmdr Utility Functions
TwoLevelFactors Rcmdr Utility Functions
twoLevelFactorsP Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- U --

UpdateModelNumber Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- V --

variableComboBox Rcmdr Utility Functions
variableListBox Rcmdr Utility Functions
Variables Rcmdr Utility Functions
varPosn Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- W --

WindowsP Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- X --

X11P Rcmdr Utility Functions

-- misc --

.Tcl 'tcltk' Functions Re-exported by the 'Rcmdr' Package.