Calculation of 22 CAnonical Time-Series CHaracteristics

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Documentation for package ‘Rcatch22’ version 0.2.1

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catch22_all Automatically run every time-series feature calculation included in the catch22 set
CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff Function to calculate a statistical feature
CO_f1ecac Function to calculate a statistical feature
CO_FirstMin_ac Function to calculate a statistical feature
CO_HistogramAMI_even_2_5 Function to calculate a statistical feature
CO_trev_1_num Function to calculate a statistical feature
DN_HistogramMode_10 Function to calculate a statistical feature
DN_HistogramMode_5 Function to calculate a statistical feature
DN_Mean Function to calculate a statistical feature
DN_OutlierInclude_n_001_mdrmd Function to calculate a statistical feature
DN_OutlierInclude_p_001_mdrmd Function to calculate a statistical feature
DN_Spread_Std Function to calculate a statistical feature
FC_LocalSimple_mean1_tauresrat Function to calculate a statistical feature
FC_LocalSimple_mean3_stderr Function to calculate a statistical feature
feature_list All features available in Rcatch22 in tidy format
IN_AutoMutualInfoStats_40_gaussian_fmmi Function to calculate a statistical feature
MD_hrv_classic_pnn40 Function to calculate a statistical feature
PD_PeriodicityWang_th0_01 Function to calculate a statistical feature
SB_BinaryStats_diff_longstretch0 Function to calculate a statistical feature
SB_BinaryStats_mean_longstretch1 Function to calculate a statistical feature
SB_MotifThree_quantile_hh Function to calculate a statistical feature
SB_TransitionMatrix_3ac_sumdiagcov Function to calculate a statistical feature
SC_FluctAnal_2_dfa_50_1_2_logi_prop_r1 Function to calculate a statistical feature
SC_FluctAnal_2_rsrangefit_50_1_logi_prop_r1 Function to calculate a statistical feature
SP_Summaries_welch_rect_area_5_1 Function to calculate a statistical feature
SP_Summaries_welch_rect_centroid Function to calculate a statistical feature