consensusRankingBoot {RankAggregator}R Documentation

Rank aggregation of partial rankings with optonal bootstrapping


This funciton calls RankAggregator::consensusRanking to return a best consensus (or median) ranking for a set of (partial) rankings.

This function also provides an optional bootstrap resampling procedure to give user-defined confidence intervals and average rank positions with the consensus ranking.


  nboot = 10000, = 0.95,
  prog.upd = TRUE



a data.frame containing columns titled Reviewer, Item, Ranking. On data structure, Reviewer and Item must be character, and Ranking must be numeric. Each row of x identifes the rank position that a single Reviewer awarded a single Item


a logical value indicating whether to bootstrap the rank aggregation procedure.


a numeric value for bootstrap replicates. Default value is 10000.

a numeric value >0 and <1. Default value is 0.95, which sets confidence interval at 95% level.


a logical value indicating whether the user wants progress updates on the bootstrap procedure.


If bootstrap is FALSE, a data.frame is returned, with two columns: Item and Rank.est, where Item is a Factor containing all unique Item's from the input data.frame x, and where Rank.est is the estimated (numeric) rank position based on the consensusRanking() rank aggregation procedure.#'

If bootstrap is TRUE, a list is returned, with two elements:


Cook, W.D., Golany, B., Penn, M. and Raviv, T., 2007. Creating a consensus ranking of proposals from reviewers partial ordinal rankings. Computers & Operations Research, 34, pp.954-965.

Marshall, E.C., Sanderson, C., Spiegelhalter, D.J. and McKee, M., 1998. Reliability of league tables of in vitro fertilisation clinics: retrospective analysis of live birth ratesCommentary: How robust are rankings? The implications of confidence intervals. Bmj, 316, pp.1701-1705.

See Also

Calls the internal function consensusRanking, which calls the other internal functions evaluationMatrix, consensusRanking, extendRanking, lowerBound, upperBound

[Package RankAggregator version 0.0.1 Index]