ICRP_07.NDX {RadData}R Documentation

Radionuclide Data Index


The index file from ICRP-107 Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations




A tibble with 32 variables, 31 original variables from ICRP, plus the derived decay_constant variable.

RN Name of nuclide; e.g. Am-241, Tc-99m

half_life Half-life of nuclide. Caution - units vary.

units Half-life units: ls, microsecond; ms, millisecond; s, second; m, minute; d, day; y, year

decay_mode A, alpha; B-, beta minus; B+, beta plus; EC, electron capture; IT, isomeric transition; SF, spontaneous fission

pointer_rad Not functional. Originally, location of nuclide in the ICRP_07.RAD file

pointer_bet Not functional. Originally, location of nuclide in ICRP_07.BET file

pointer_ack Not functional. Originally, location of nuclide in ICRP_07.ACK file

pointer_nsf Not functional. Originally, location of nuclide in ICRP_07.NSF file

progeny_1 Radioactive progeny number 1

pointer_1 Location of progeny number 1 in RN dataset

branch_1 Branching fraction to progeny number 1

progeny_2 Radioactive progeny number 2

pointer_2 Location of progeny number 2 in RN dataset

branch_2 Branching fraction to progeny number 2

progeny_3 Radioactive progeny number 3

pointer_3 Location of progeny number 3 in RN dataset

branch_3 Branching fraction to progeny number 3

progeny_4 Radioactive progeny number 4

pointer_4 Location of progeny number 4 in RN dataset

branch_4 Branching fraction to progeny number 4

E_alpha Energy of alpha emissions (MeV/nuclear transformation)

E_electron Energy of electrons, including beta (MeV/nuclear transformation)

E_photon Energy of photon emission (MeV/nuclear transformation)

num_phot_lt_10k Number of photons of energy less than 10 keV

num_phot_gt_10k Number of photons of energy greater than 10 keV

num_betas Number of beta transitions

num_mono_e Number of mono-energetic electrons

num_alpha Number of alpha transitions

AMU Atomic mass of radionuclide (Audi et al., 2003)

air_kerma_rate_const Air-kerma rate constant (Gy-m^2/Bq s)

air_kerma_coef Point source air-kerma coefficient (Gy-m^2/Bq s)

decay_constant Decay constant in inverse seconds.

[Package RadData version 1.0.2 Index]