$.msdata_connection | S3 dollar sign notation for msdata_connection objects |
checkOutputQuality | Check that the output data is properly formatted. |
editMSfileRTs | Edit mzML/mzXML file retention times |
getEncoded | Convert from compressed binary to R numeric vector |
giveEncoding | Convert from R numeric vector to compressed binary |
grabAccessionData | Get arbitrary metadata from an mzML file by accession number |
grabMSdata | Grab mass-spectrometry data from file(s) |
grabMzmlBPC | Grab the BPC or TIC from a file |
grabMzmlDAD | Extract the DAD data from an mzML nodeset |
grabMzmlData | Get mass-spectrometry data from an mzML file |
grabMzmlEncodingData | Helper function to extract mzML file encoding data |
grabMzmlMetadata | Helper function to extract mzML file metadata |
grabMzmlMS1 | Extract the MS1 data from an mzML nodeset |
grabMzmlMS2 | Extract the MS2 data from an mzML nodeset |
grabMzmlMS3 | Extract the MS3 data from an mzML nodeset |
grabMzxmlBPC | Grab the BPC or TIC from a file |
grabMzxmlData | Get mass-spectrometry data from an mzXML file |
grabMzxmlEncodingData | Helper function to extract mzXML file metadata |
grabMzxmlMetadata | Helper function to extract mzXML file metadata |
grabMzxmlMS1 | Extract the MS1 data from an mzXML nodeset |
grabMzxmlMS2 | Extract the MS2 data from an mzXML nodeset |
grabMzxmlMS3 | Extract the MS3 data from an mzXML nodeset |
grabMzxmlSpectraMzInt | Extract the mass-to-charge data from the spectra of an mzXML nodeset |
grabMzxmlSpectraPremz | Extract the precursor mass from the spectra of an mzXML nodeset |
grabMzxmlSpectraRt | Extract the retention time from the spectra of an mzXML nodeset |
grabMzxmlSpectraVoltage | Extract the collison energies from the spectra of an mzXML nodeset |
grabSpectraInt | Extract the intensity information from the spectra of an mzML nodeset |
grabSpectraMz | Extract the mass-to-charge data from the spectra of an mzML nodeset |
grabSpectraPremz | Extract the precursor mass from the spectra of an mzML nodeset |
grabSpectraRt | Extract the retention time from the spectra of an mzML nodeset |
grabSpectraVoltage | Extract the collison energies from the spectra of an mzML nodeset |
minifyMSdata | Shrink MS data by including only data points near masses of interest |
minifyMzml | Shrink mzML files by including only data points near masses of interest |
minifyMzxml | Shrink mzxML files by including only data points near masses of interest |
msdata_connection | S3 constructor for msdata_connection |
mz_group | Group m/z values into bins of a specified ppm width |
node2dt | Convert node to data.table |
pmppm | Plus/minus parts per million |
print.msdata_connection | S3 print option for msdata_connection objects |
qplotMS1data | Quick plot for MS data |
tmzmlMaker | Maker of tmzML documents |
trapz | Trapezoidal integration of mass-spec retention time / intensity values |
[.msdata_connection | S3 indexing for msdata_connection objects |