p_check {RWsearch}R Documentation

Return CRAN Package Check Results


p_check opens the default browser, connects to your local CRAN and displays for each package the CRAN Package Check Results or the last Check Results recorded in CRAN archive (with the date of the archive). An internet connexion is required.

p_check_lst reads the check results from the repository and print the results as a list in the console, with a message for the archived package(s). An internet connexion is required. If a large number of packages is to be analyzed, a preload of checkdb is required before launching the instruction (via checkdb_down or checkdb_load). This preload speeds up significantly the analysis.

p_checkdeps and p_checkdeps_lst extend the analysis to the package dependencies.

Comprehensive tables of the check results for package sources and Windows binaries can be displayed with h_cranchecks and h_crancheckwindows.


p_check(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1])

p_check_lst(..., char = NULL, npkgs = 10, repos = getOption("repos")[1])

p_checkdeps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE,
  reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv),
  repos = getOption("repos")[1])

p_checkdeps_lst(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE,
  reverse = FALSE, npkgs = 10, crandb = get("crandb", envir =
  .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1])



any format recognized by cnsc, except list. A vector of packages.


(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if ... fails or if you call the function from another function. If used, argument ... is ignored.


character. The address of your local CRAN.


integer. The number of packages from which a preload of checkdb is required (via checkdb_down or checkdb_load).


character vector. A sub-vector of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). The short forms "D", "I", "L", "S", "N", "DL", "DI", "DIL", "DILS", "DILN", "DILSN", "SN" are accepted. "N" is for "Enhances" as the single letter "E" is used by R as a shortcut to EXPR, a reserved word.


logical. Search for (reverse) dependencies of (reverse) dependencies.


logical. Search for reverse dependencies.


data.frame crandb. Also accepted is NULL which will search in the local installed.packages(). This later form allows (private) packages that are not listed in crandb.


## In real life, download crandb and checkdb from CRAN or load them
## with functions crandb_down(), crandb_load(), checkdb_down(), checkdb_load().
## checkdb can be ignored if less than npkgs are explored.
## In these examples, we use two small files of 110 and 107 packages.

crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch"))
checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch"))

if (interactive()) {
p_check(RWsearch, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
p_check_lst(igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
p_checkdeps_lst(igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")

[Package RWsearch version 5.1.4 Index]