'Trial Sequential Analysis' for Error Control and Inference in Sequential Meta-Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘RTSA’ version 0.2.2

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boundaries Boundaries for group sequential designs
coronary Dataset of trials investigating the intensity of statin therapy on the risk of myocardial infarction or coronary death
eds Dataset of trials investigating the effect of carer on early supported discharge services
inference Inference calculations for sequential meta-analysis
metaanalysis Fixed-effect or random-effects meta-analysis
minTrial Minimum number of trials needed for a specific level of power
perioOxy Dataset of RCTs investigating the effect of 80% perioperative oxygen vs. 30 -35% perioperative oxygen on surgical site infection.
plot.boundaries Plot of boundaries for group sequential designs
plot.metaanalysis Forestplot for metaanalysis object.
plot.RTSA Plot RTSA object. Returns the R version of the original TSA plot.
print.metaanalysis Fixed-effect or random-effects meta-analysis
print.ris Calculate required sample and trials size.
print.RTSA R version of Trial Sequential Analysis. Used for designing and analysing sequential meta-analyses.
ris Calculate required sample and trials size.
RTSA R version of Trial Sequential Analysis. Used for designing and analysing sequential meta-analyses.