A B C D E F G I L M O P Q R S T U misc
RTMB-package | RTMB: R bindings for 'TMB' |
ADapply | AD apply functions |
ADcomplex | AD complex numbers |
adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
ADconstruct | AD aware numeric constructors |
ADjoint | AD adjoint code from R |
ADmatrix | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
ADoverload | Enable extra RTMB convenience methods |
ADREPORT | Interface to TMB |
ADvector | The AD vector and its methods |
advector | The AD vector and its methods |
aperm.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
apply-method | AD apply functions |
as.array.simref | Simulation |
as.complex.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
as.double.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
as.vector.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
besselI-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
besselJ-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
besselK-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
besselY-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
c.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
cbind.advector | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
checkConsistency | Interface to TMB |
colSums-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
Complex.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
Conj.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
cov2cor-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
crossprod-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
DataEval | The AD tape |
dautoreg | Multivariate Gaussian densities |
dbeta-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dbinom-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dbinom_robust | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dcompois | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dcompois2 | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dexp-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
df-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dgamma-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dgmrf | Multivariate Gaussian densities |
diag-method | AD aware numeric constructors |
diag-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
diff.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
diff.simref | Simulation |
dim-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
dim.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
dim.osa | Recursive quantile residuals |
dim.simref | Simulation |
dim<-.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
dim<-.simref | Simulation |
Distributions | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dlgamma | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dlnorm-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dlogis-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dmultinom-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dmvnorm | Multivariate Gaussian densities |
dnbinom-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dnbinom2 | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dnbinom_robust | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dnorm-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dpois-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dseparable | Multivariate Gaussian densities |
dSHASHo | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dsn | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dt-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dtweedie | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
dweibull-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
exp.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
expAv | Matrix exponential of sparse matrix multiplied by a vector. |
expm-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
fft-method | AD complex numbers |
getAll | Interface to TMB |
GetTape | The AD tape |
ifelse-method | The AD vector and its methods |
Im.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
interpol1Dfun | Interpolation |
interpol2Dfun | Interpolation |
Interpolation | Interpolation |
is.array.osa | Recursive quantile residuals |
is.array.simref | Simulation |
is.matrix.osa | Recursive quantile residuals |
is.matrix.simref | Simulation |
is.na.simref | Simulation |
is.numeric.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
length.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
length.osa | Recursive quantile residuals |
length.simref | Simulation |
MakeADFun | Interface to TMB |
MakeTape | The AD tape |
Math.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
Math.simref | Simulation |
matrix-method | AD aware numeric constructors |
mean.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
Mod.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
MVgauss | Multivariate Gaussian densities |
OBS | Interface to TMB |
oneStepPredict | Recursive quantile residuals |
Ops.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
Ops.simref | Simulation |
OSA-residuals | Recursive quantile residuals |
outer-method | The AD vector and its methods |
pbeta-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
pbinom-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
pexp-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
pgamma-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
plogis-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
pnorm-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
ppois-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
print.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
print.Tape | The AD tape |
prod.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
pweibull-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
qbeta-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
qexp-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
qgamma-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
qlogis-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
qnorm-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
qweibull-method | Distributions and special functions for which AD is implemented |
rbind.advector | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
Re.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
rep.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
REPORT | Interface to TMB |
rowSums-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
RTMB | RTMB: R bindings for 'TMB' |
sapply-method | AD apply functions |
sdreport | Interface to TMB |
show-method | AD complex numbers |
simref | Simulation |
Simulation | Simulation |
solve-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
splinefun-method | Interpolation |
sqrt.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
sum.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
Summary.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
Summary.simref | Simulation |
t.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
t.adsparse | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
t.simref | Simulation |
Tape | The AD tape |
TapeConfig | The AD tape |
tcrossprod-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
TMB-interface | Interface to TMB |
unstructured | Multivariate Gaussian densities |
$.Tape | The AD tape |
%*%-method | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
%~% | Distributional assignment operator |
*.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
+.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
-.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
/.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
[.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
[.adsparse | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
[.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
[.osa | Recursive quantile residuals |
[.simref | Simulation |
[<-.adcomplex | AD complex numbers |
[<-.adsparse | AD matrix methods (sparse and dense) |
[<-.advector | The AD vector and its methods |
[<-.simref | Simulation |
[[.advector | The AD vector and its methods |