spectralIndices {RStoolbox}R Documentation

Spectral Indices


Calculate a suite of multispectral indices such as NDVI, SAVI etc. in an efficient way.


  blue = NULL,
  green = NULL,
  red = NULL,
  nir = NULL,
  redEdge1 = NULL,
  redEdge2 = NULL,
  redEdge3 = NULL,
  swir1 = NULL,
  swir2 = NULL,
  swir3 = NULL,
  scaleFactor = 1,
  skipRefCheck = FALSE,
  indices = NULL,
  index = NULL,
  maskLayer = NULL,
  maskValue = 1,
  coefs = list(L = 0.5, G = 2.5, L_evi = 1, C1 = 6, C2 = 7.5, s = 1, swir2ccc = NULL,
    swir2coc = NULL),



SpatRaster. Typically remote sensing imagery, which is to be classified.


Character or integer. Blue band.


Character or integer. Green band.


Character or integer. Red band.


Character or integer. Near-infrared band (700-1100nm).


Character or integer. Red-edge band (705nm)


Character or integer. Red-edge band (740nm)


Character or integer. Red-edge band (783nm)


not used


Character or integer. Short-wave-infrared band (1400-1800nm).


Character or integer. Short-wave-infrared band (2000-2500nm).


Numeric. Scale factor for the conversion of scaled reflectances to [0,1] value range (applied as reflectance/scaleFactor) Neccesary for calculating EVI/EVI2 with scaled reflectance values.


Logical. When EVI/EVI2 is to be calculated there is a rough heuristic check, whether the data are inside [0,1]+/-0.5 (after applying a potential scaleFactor). If there are invalid reflectances, e.g. clouds with reflectance > 1 this check will result in a false positive and skip EVI calculation. Use this argument to skip this check in such cases *iff* you are sure the data and scaleFactor are valid.


Character. One or more spectral indices to calculate (see Details). By default (NULL) all implemented indices given the spectral bands which are provided will be calculated.


Character. Alias for indices.


RasterLayer or SpatRaster containing a mask, e.g. clouds, for which pixels are set to NA. Alternatively a layername or -number can be provided if the mask is part of img.


Integer. Pixel value in maskLayer which should be masked in output, i.e. will be set to NA in all calculated indices.


List of coefficients (see Details).


further arguments such as filename etc. passed to writeRaster


spectralIndices calculates all indices in one go in C++, which is more efficient than calculating each index separately (for large rasters). By default all indices which can be calculated given the specified indices will be calculated. If you don't want all indices, use the indices argument to specify exactly which indices are to be calculated. See the table bellow for index names and required bands.

Index values outside the valid value ranges (if such a range exists) will be set to NA. For example a pixel with NDVI > 1 will be set to NA.

Index Description Source Bands Formula
CLG Green-band Chlorophyll Index Gitelson2003 redEdge3, green redEdge3/green1redEdge3/green - 1
CLRE Red-edge-band Chlorophyll Index Gitelson2003 redEdge3, redEdge1 redEdge3/redEdge11redEdge3/redEdge1 - 1
CTVI Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index Perry1984 red, nir (NDVI+0.5)/sqrt(abs(NDVI+0.5))(NDVI + 0.5)/sqrt(abs(NDVI + 0.5))
DVI Difference Vegetation Index Richardson1977 red, nir snirreds * nir - red
EVI Enhanced Vegetation Index Huete1999 red, nir, blue G((nirred)/(nir+C1redC2blue+Levi))G * ((nir - red)/(nir + C1 * red - C2 * blue + L_evi))
EVI2 Two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index Jiang 2008 red, nir G(nirred)/(nir+2.4red+1)G * (nir - red)/(nir + 2.4 * red + 1)
GEMI Global Environmental Monitoring Index Pinty1992 red, nir (((nir2red2)2+(nir1.5)+(red0.5))/(nir+red+0.5))(1((((nir2red2)2+(nir1.5)+(red0.5))/(nir+red+0.5))0.25))((red0.125)/(1red))(((nir^2 - red^2) * 2 + (nir * 1.5) + (red * 0.5))/(nir + red + 0.5)) * (1 - ((((nir^2 - red^2) * 2 + (nir * 1.5) + (red * 0.5))/(nir + red + 0.5)) * 0.25)) - ((red - 0.125)/(1 - red))
GNDVI Green Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Gitelson1998 green, nir (nirgreen)/(nir+green)(nir - green)/(nir + green)
KNDVI Kernel Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Camps-Valls2021 red, nir tanh(((nirred)/(nir+red)))2tanh(((nir - red)/(nir + red)))^2
MCARI Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index Daughtery2000 green, red, redEdge1 ((redEdge1red)(redEdge1green))(redEdge1/red)((redEdge1 - red) - (redEdge1 - green)) * (redEdge1/red)
MNDWI Modified Normalised Difference Water Index Xu2006 green, swir2 (greenswir2)/(green+swir2)(green - swir2)/(green + swir2)
MSAVI Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index Qi1994 red, nir nir+0.5(0.5sqrt((2nir+1)28(nir(2red))))nir + 0.5 - (0.5 * sqrt((2 * nir + 1)^2 - 8 * (nir - (2 * red))))
MSAVI2 Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2 Qi1994 red, nir (2(nir+1)sqrt((2nir+1)28(nirred)))/2(2 * (nir + 1) - sqrt((2 * nir + 1)^2 - 8 * (nir - red)))/2
MTCI MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index DashAndCurran2004 red, redEdge1, redEdge2 (redEdge2redEdge1)/(redEdge1red)(redEdge2 - redEdge1)/(redEdge1 - red)
NBRI Normalised Burn Ratio Index Garcia1991 nir, swir3 (nirswir3)/(nir+swir3)(nir - swir3)/(nir + swir3)
NDREI1 Normalised Difference Red Edge Index 1 GitelsonAndMerzlyak1994 redEdge2, redEdge1 (redEdge2redEdge1)/(redEdge2+redEdge1)(redEdge2 - redEdge1)/(redEdge2 + redEdge1)
NDREI2 Normalised Difference Red Edge Index 2 Barnes2000 redEdge3, redEdge1 (redEdge3redEdge1)/(redEdge3+redEdge1)(redEdge3 - redEdge1)/(redEdge3 + redEdge1)
NDVI Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Rouse1974 red, nir (nirred)/(nir+red)(nir - red)/(nir + red)
NDVIC Corrected Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Nemani1993 red, nir, swir2 (nirred)/(nir+red)(1((swir2swir2ccc)/(swir2cocswir2ccc)))(nir - red)/(nir + red) * (1 - ((swir2 - swir2ccc)/(swir2coc - swir2ccc)))
NDWI Normalised Difference Water Index McFeeters1996 green, nir (greennir)/(green+nir)(green - nir)/(green + nir)
NDWI2 Normalised Difference Water Index Gao1996 nir, swir2 (nirswir2)/(nir+swir2)(nir - swir2)/(nir + swir2)
NRVI Normalised Ratio Vegetation Index Baret1991 red, nir (red/nir1)/(red/nir+1)(red/nir - 1)/(red/nir + 1)
REIP Red Edge Inflection Point GuyotAndBarnet1988 red, redEdge1, redEdge2, redEdge3 0.705+0.35((red+redEdge3)/(2redEdge1))/(redEdge2redEdge1)0.705 + 0.35 * ((red + redEdge3)/(2 - redEdge1))/(redEdge2 - redEdge1)
RVI Ratio Vegetation Index red, nir red/nirred/nir
SATVI Soil Adjusted Total Vegetation Index Marsett2006 red, swir2, swir3 (swir2red)/(swir2+red+L)(1+L)(swir3/2)(swir2 - red)/(swir2 + red + L) * (1 + L) - (swir3/2)
SAVI Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index Huete1988 red, nir (nirred)(1+L)/(nir+red+L)(nir - red) * (1 + L)/(nir + red + L)
SLAVI Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index Lymburger2000 red, nir, swir2 nir/(red+swir2)nir/(red + swir2)
SR Simple Ratio Vegetation Index Birth1968 red, nir nir/rednir/red
TTVI Thiam's Transformed Vegetation Index Thiam1997 red, nir sqrt(abs((nirred)/(nir+red)+0.5))sqrt(abs((nir - red)/(nir + red) + 0.5))
TVI Transformed Vegetation Index Deering1975 red, nir sqrt((nirred)/(nir+red)+0.5)sqrt((nir - red)/(nir + red) + 0.5)
WDVI Weighted Difference Vegetation Index Richardson1977 red, nir nirsrednir - s * red

Some indices require additional parameters, such as the slope of the soil line which are specified via a list to the coefs argument. Although the defaults are sensible values, values like the soil brightnes factor L for SAVI should be adapted depending on the characteristics of the scene. The coefficients are:

Coefficient Description Affected Indices
s slope of the soil line DVI, WDVI
L_evi, C1, C2, G various EVI
L soil brightness factor SAVI, SATVI
swir2ccc minimum swir2 value (completely closed forest canopy) NDVIC
swir2coc maximum swir2 value (completely open canopy) NDVIC

The wavelength band names are defined following Schowengertd 2007, p10. The last column shows exemplarily which Landsat 5 TM bands correspond to which wavelength range definition.

Band Description Wavl_min Wavl_max Landsat5_Band Sentinel2_Band
vis visible 400 680 1,2,3 2,3,4
red-edge1 red-edge1 680 720 - 5
red-edge2 red-edge2 720 760 - 6
red-edge3 red-edge3 760 800 - 7
nir near infra-red 800 1100 4 8/8a
swir1 short-wave infra-red 1100 1351 - 9,10
swir2 short-wave infra-red 1400 1800 5 11
swir3 short-wave infra-red 2000 2500 7 12
mir1 mid-wave infra-red 3000 4000 - -
mir2 mid-wave infra-red 45000 5000 - -
tir1 thermal infra-red 8000 9500 - -
tir2 thermal infra-red 10000 140000 6 -





## Calculate NDVI
ndvi <- spectralIndices(lsat, red = "B3_dn", nir = "B4_dn", indices = "NDVI")
ggR(ndvi, geom_raster = TRUE) +
        scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("black", "white")) 

## Calculate all possible indices, given the provided bands 
## Convert DNs to reflectance (required to calculate EVI and EVI2)
mtlFile  <- system.file("external/landsat/LT52240631988227CUB02_MTL.txt", package="RStoolbox")
lsat_ref <- radCor(lsat, mtlFile, method = "apref")

SI <- spectralIndices(lsat_ref, red = "B3_tre", nir = "B4_tre")

[Package RStoolbox version 1.0.0 Index]