Scelestial: Steiner Tree Based Single-Cell Lineage Tree Inference

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Documentation for package ‘RScelestial’ version 1.0.4

Help Pages

.scelestial Internal function for running scelestial algorithm.
.synthesis Internal function for generating synthetic single-cell data through simulation of tumor growth and evolution.
as.mutation.matrix Conversion of ten-state sequencing matrix to 0/1-mutation matrix.
as.ten.state.matrix Conversion of 0/1 matrix to 10-state matrix
as.ten.state.matrix.from.node.seq Generates 10-state sequence matrix from name/10-char string matrix.
distance.matrix.scelestial Calculates distance matrix for result of scelestial
distance.matrix.tree Calculates distance matrix for a nodes on a tree.
distance.matrix.true.tree Calculates distance matrix for a synthetized data
Li Bladder invasive single cell tumor dataset
my.dfs Runs DFS on tree and calculates parent of each node as well as depth and upper-depth of nodes.
my.general.dfs Running depth first search on a tree and calling functions on entrance/exit events
read.sequence.table Read mutation table
RScelestial RScelestial: An R wrapper for scelestial algorithm for single-cell lineage tree reconstruction through an approximation algorithm based on Steiner tree problem
scelestial Infer the single-cell phylogenetic tree
synthesis Synthesize single-cell data through tumor simulation
tree.plot Plotting the tree