Database Agnostic Package to Generate and Process 'SQL' Queries in R

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Documentation for package ‘RSQL’ version 0.2.2

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RSQL-package rsql
%IN% Operator IN for multiple columns
.onLoad rsql
add_grep_exact_match add_grep_exact_match
add_quotes add_quotes
assessRSqlDf assessRSqlDf
cbind_coerced cbind_coerced
check_fields_values Check fields and values are sound
createRSQL Produces a RSQL object
dequote Removes the quotes from the string
df_verify Checks that the columns are in the data.frame
genLogger genLogger
getLogger getLogger
getMtcarsdbPath getCarsdbPath
getPackageDir Get package directory
is.POSIXct is.POSIXct
is_quoted Determines if the string is quoted or not
loggerSetupFile loggerSetupFile
needs_quotes Determines string type which needs quotes in an SQL statement
parse_where_clause Parses a where clause.
rename_col rename_col
replaceNAwithNULL replaceNAwithNULL
re_quote This functions remove original quotes and sets validated quotes for corresponding db. If it had no quotes, will only put corresponding quotes symbols
re_quote_alt This functions remove original quotes and sets validated quotes for corresponding db. If it had no quotes, will only put corresponding quotes symbols
rm_quotes rm_quotes
rm_vector_quotes rm_vector_quotes
RSQL rsql
RSQL.class The class that provides the SQL functionality.
sql_execute_delete sql_execute_delete
sql_execute_get_insert sql_execute_get_insert
sql_execute_insert Executes a statement on the database.
sql_execute_select sql_execute_select
sql_execute_update Executes an update on the database
sql_gen_delete sql_gen_delete
sql_gen_insert sql_gen_insert
sql_gen_select sql_gen_select
sql_gen_update sql_gen_update
sql_gen_where sql_gen_where
sql_gen_where_list sql_gen_where_list
sql_gen_where_or sql_gen_where_or
sql_retrieve Retrieves Statement
sql_retrieve_insert Retrieves or insert Statement
stuff_df_quoted stuff_df_quoted
stuff_quote Stuff quote symbol from text
times_to_utc times_to_utc
trim Returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
trim_leading trim_leading
trim_trailing trim_trailing