RSE-package {RSE} | R Documentation |
Number of Newly Discovered Rare Species Estimation
RSE: an R package for predicting numbers of rare species newly discoverd in additional ecological samples
RSE is an R package for estimating the number of new rare species in additional ecological samples. The methods used here include a Bayesian-weighted estimator and two unweighted estimators.
Youhua Chen (Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
Tsung-Jen Shen (Institute of Statistics & Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chung Hsing University)
Youhua Chen <>
Shen TJ, Chen YH (2018) Predicting the number of newly discovered rare species: a Bayesian weight approach. Conservation Biology, In press.
#for abundance-based data type
## two columns represent two samples of species abundance data
X.merge = HerpetologicalData
## the first column is treated as the original sample
X.col1 = X.merge[,1]
## the second column is treated as the additional sample
X.col2 = X.merge[,2]
Xi = X.col1
## the number of individuals of the additional sample
m = sum(X.col2)
print(Pred.abundance.rare(boot.rep = 100, f=NULL, xi=Xi, m = m, = 3))
#for incidence-based data type
## two columns represent two samples of incidence counts
X.merge = CanadaMite
## the first column is treated as the original sample
X.col1 = X.merge[,1]
## the number of quadrats in the first sample
nT = 16
## the number of quadrats in the additional sample (i.e., the second column)
u = 16
print(Pred.incidence.rare(boot.rep = 100, Q=NULL, xi=X.col1, nT=nT, u=u, = 3))
[Package RSE version 1.3 Index]