motcon2 {RSA}R Documentation

Another data set on motive congruence.


A dataset containing the explicit intimacy motive, implicit affiliation/intimacy motive and self ratings of affective valence. The variables are as follows:


A data frame with 362 rows and 3 variables



Schallberger, U. (2005). Kurzskala zur Erfassung der Positiven Aktivierung, Negativen Aktivierung und Valenz in Experience Sampling Studien (PANAVA-KS) [Short scales for the assessment of positive affect, negative affect, and valence in experience sampling studies]. University of Zurich.

Schönbrodt, F. D., & Gerstenberg, F. X. R. (2012). An IRT analysis of motive questionnaires: The Unified Motive Scales. Journal of Research in Personality, 46, 725-742. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2012.08.010

[Package RSA version 0.10.6 Index]