angle.matrix {RRphylo}R Documentation

Ontogenetic shape vectors analysis


This function computes and compares ontogenetic vectors among species in a tree.





an object produced by RRphylo.


the number identifying the most recent common ancestor to all the species the user wants ontogenetic vectors be computed.


multivariate trait values at tips.


if "yes", Y variables are individually regressed against developmental stages and only significant variables are retained to compute ontogenetic vectors. All variables are retained otherwise.


specifies weather to perform the analysis on phenotypic ("phenotypes") or rate ("rates") vectors.


the covariate to be indicated if its effect on rate values must be accounted for. Contrary to RRphylo, cova needs to be as long as the number of tips in the tree. As the covariate only affects rates computation, there is no covariate to provide when type = "phenotypes".


the proportion of clusters to be used in parallel computing. To run the single-threaded version of angle.matrix set clus = 0.


The angle.matrix function takes as objects a phylogenetic tree (retrieved directly from an RRphylo object), including the different ontogenetic stages of each species as polytomies. Names at tips must be written as species ID and stage number separated by the underscore. The RRphylo object angle.matrix is fed with is just used to extract the dichotomized version of the phylogeny. This is necessary because node numbers change randomly at dichotomizing non-binary trees. However, when performing angle.matrix with the covariate the RRphylo object must be produced without accounting for the covariate. Furthermore, as the covariate only affects the rates computation, it makes no sense to use it when computing vectors for phenotypic variables. Once angles and vectors are computed, angle.matrix performs two tests by means of standard major axis (SMA) regression. For each species pair, the "biogenetic test" verifies whether the angle between species grows during development, meaning that the two species becomes less similar to each other during growth. The "paedomorphosis test" tells whether there is heterochronic shape change in the data. Under paedomorphosis, the adult stages of one (paedomorphic) species will resemble the juvenile stages of the other (peramorphic) species. The test regresses the angles formed by the shapes at different ontogenetic stages of a species to the shape at the youngest stage of the other in the pair, against age. Then, it tests whether the two regression lines (one per species) have different slopes, and whether they have different signs. If the regression lines point to different directions, it means that one of the two species in the pair resembles, with age, the juveniles of the other, indicating paedomorphosis. Ontogenetic vectors of individual species are further computed, in reference to the MRCA of the pair, and to the first stage of each species (i.e. intraspecifically). Importantly, the size of the ontogenetic vectors of rates tell whether the two species differ in terms of developmental rate, which is crucial to understand which process is behind paedomorphosis, where it applies.While performing the analysis, the function prints messages on-screen informing about tests results. If select.axes = "yes", informs the user about which phenotypic variables are used. Secondly, it specifies whether ontogenetic vectors to MRCA, and intraspecific ontogenetic vectors significantly differ in angle or size between species pairs. Then, for each species pair, it indicates if the biogenetic law and paedomorphosis apply.


A list containing 4 objects:

  1. $regression.matrix a 'list' including 'angles between species' and 'angles between species to MRCA' matrices for all possible combinations of species pairs from the two sides descending from the MRCA. For each matrix, corresponding biogenetic and paedomorphosis tests are reported.

  2. $angles.2.MRCA.and.vector.size a 'data.frame' including angles between the resultant vector of species and the MRCA and the size of the resultant vector computed from species to MRCA, per stage per species.

  3. $ontogenetic.vectors2MRCA a 'data.frame' including angle, size, and corresponding x and y components, of ontogenetic vectors computed between each species and the MRCA. For both angle and size, the p-value for the difference between species pairs is reported.

  4. $ a 'list' containing:

    • $matrices: for all possible combinations of species pairs from the two sides descending form the MRCA, the upper triangle of the matrix contains the angles between different ontogenetic stages for the first species. The same applies to the lower triangle, but for the second species.

    • $vectors: for all possible combinations of species pairs from the two sides descending form the MRCA, angles and sizes of ontogenetic vectors computed to the first stage of each species. For both, the p-value for the difference between the species pair is reported.


Pasquale Raia, Silvia Castiglione, Carmela Serio, Alessandro Mondanaro, Marina Melchionna, Mirko Di Febbraro, Antonio Profico, Francesco Carotenuto


  ## Not run: 
  cc<- 2/parallel::detectCores()

# Case 1. without accounting for the effect of a covariate

 # Case 1.1 selecting shape variables that show significant relationship with age
  # on phenotypic vectors
  # on rates vectors

 # Case 1.2 using all shape variables
  # on phenotypic vectors
  # on rates vectors

# Case 2. accounting for the effect of a covariate (on rates vectors only)

 # Case 2.1 selecting shape variables that show significant relationship with age
   angle.matrix(RR,node=72,Y=PCstage,select.axes="yes",type="rates", cova=CS,clus=cc)

 # Case 2.2 using all shape variables
## End(Not run)

[Package RRphylo version 2.8.0 Index]