results_volcano {RQdeltaCT} | R Documentation |
This function creates volcano plot that illustrate the arrangement of genes based on fold change values and p values. Significant genes can be pointed out using specified p value and fold change thresholds, and highlighted on the plot by color and (optionally) isolated by thresholds lines.
p.threshold = 0.05,
FCh.threshold = 2,
sel.Gene = "all",
point.size = 4,
point.shape = 19,
alpha = 0.7,
colors = c("#66c2a5", "#fc8d62"),
add.thr.lines = TRUE,
linewidth = 0.25,
linetype = "dashed",
x.axis.title = "log2(fold change)",
y.axis.title = "-log10(p value)",
axis.title.size = 11,
axis.text.size = 10,
legend.text.size = 11,
legend.title = "Selected as significant?",
legend.title.size = 11,
legend.position = "top",
plot.title = "",
plot.title.size = 14,
dpi = 600,
width = 15,
height = 15, = FALSE,
name.tiff = "results_volcano"
data |
Object returned from RQ_dCt() or RQ_ddCt() functions. |
mode |
Character: which p value should be used? One of the "t" (p values from Student's t test), "t.adj" (adjusted p values from Student's t test), "mw" (p values from Mann-Whitney U test),"mw.adj" (adjusted p values from Mann-Whitney U test), "depends" (if data in both compared groups were considered as derived from normal distribution (p value from Shapiro_Wilk test > 0.05) - p values from Student's t test will be used for significance assignment, otherwise p values from Mann-Whitney U test will be used), "depends.adj" (if data in both compared groups were considered as derived from normal distribution (p value from Shapiro_Wilk test > 0.05) - adjusted p values from Student's t test will be used for significance assignment, otherwise adjusted p values from Mann-Whitney U test will be used), and "user" that can be used the user intend to use another p values, e.g. obtained from other statistical test. In such situation, before run FCh_plot function, the user should prepare data frame object named "user" that contains two columns, the first of them with Gene names and the second with p values. The order of columns must be kept as described. |
p.threshold |
Numeric: threshold of p values for statistical significance. |
FCh.threshold |
Numeric: threshold of fold change values used for significance assignment of genes. If is set to 2 (default), genes with 2-fold changed expression (increased or decreased) between groups will be assigned as significant. |
sel.Gene |
Character vector with names of genes to include, or "all" (default) to use all names of genes. |
point.size |
Numeric: size of points. Default to 4. |
point.shape |
Integer: shape of points. Default to 19.. |
alpha |
Numeric: transparency of points, a value between 0 and 1. Default to 0.7. |
colors |
Character vector length of two, containing colors for significant and no significant genes. |
add.thr.lines |
Logical, if TRUE (default), threshold lines will be added to the plot. |
linewidth |
Numeric: width of the added threshold lines. Default to 0.25. |
linetype |
Character: type of the added threshold lines. One of the "solid", "dashed" (default), "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", "twodash", and "blank". |
x.axis.title |
Character: title of x axis. Default to "Gene". |
y.axis.title |
Character: title of y axis. Default to "value". |
axis.title.size |
Integer: font size of axis titles. Default to 11. |
axis.text.size |
Integer: font size of axis text. Default to 10. |
legend.text.size |
Integer: font size of legend text. Default to 11. |
legend.title |
Character: title of legend. Default to "Group". |
legend.title.size |
Integer: font size of legend title. Default to 11. |
legend.position |
Position of the legend, can be one of "top" (default), "right", "bottom", "left", or "none" (no legend). See description for legend.position in ggplot2::theme() function. |
plot.title |
Character: title of plot. Default to "". |
plot.title.size |
Integer: font size of plot title. Default to 14. |
dpi |
Integer: resolution of saved .tiff file. Default to 600. |
width |
Numeric: width (in cm) of saved .tiff file. Default to 15. |
height |
Numeric: height (in cm) of saved .tiff file. Default to 15. | |
Logical: if TRUE, plot will be saved as .tiff file. Default to FALSE. |
name.tiff |
Character: name of saved .tiff file, without ".tiff" name of extension. Default to "FCh_plot". |
List containing object with barplot and data frame with results. Created plot is also displayed on graphic device.
data.CtF <- filter_Ct(data.Ct,
remove.Gene = c("Gene2","Gene5","Gene6","Gene9","Gene11"),
remove.Sample = c("Control08","Control16","Control22"))
data.CtF.ready <- make_Ct_ready(data.CtF, = TRUE)
data.dCt <- delta_Ct(data.CtF.ready, ref = "Gene8")
data.dCtF <- filter_transformed_data(data.dCt, remove.Sample = c("Control11"))
results.dCt <- RQ_dCt(data.dCtF, "Disease", "Control")
RQ.volcano <- results_volcano(data = results.dCt,
mode = "depends",
p.threshold = 0.05,
FCh.threshold = 2)