rpygeo_build_env {RPyGeo}R Documentation

Initialize ArcPy site-package in R


Initialises the Python ArcPy site-package in R via the reticulate package. Addtionally environment settings and extensions are configured.


rpygeo_build_env(path = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, extensions = NULL,
  x64 = FALSE, pro = FALSE, arcgisAPI = FALSE, workspace = NULL,
  scratch_workspace = NULL)



Full path to folder containing Python version which is linked to the ArcPy site-package. If left empty, the function looks for python.exe in the most likely location (C:/Python27/). It is also possible to provide a path to the ArcGIS API for Python here. In order to do so you need to provide the path to the python anaconda library were the arcgis package is installed. Additionally arcgisAPI must be set to true.


If TRUE (default), existing ArcGIS datasets can be overwritten (does not work while using ArcGIS API for Python).


Optional character vector listing ArcGIS extension that should be enabled (does not work while using ArcGIS API for Python)


Logical (default: FALSE). Determines if path search should look for 64 bit Python ArcPy version in default folder (C:/Python27)


Logical (default: FALSE). If set to TRUE' rpygeo_build_env tries to find Python version to use in the default ArcGIS Pro location (C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Pro/bin/Python/envs/arcgispro-py3/)


Logical (default: FALSE). Must be set to TRUE in order to use the ArcGIS API. This is the only option to work with the RPyGeo Package under a linux operation system.


Path of ArcGIS workspace in which to perform the geoprocessing (does not work while using ArcGIS API for Python).


Path to ArcGIS scratch workspace in which to store temporary files (does not work while using ArcGIS API for Python). If NULL a folder named scratch is created inside the workspace folder or on the same directory level as the workspace file geodatabase.


Returns ArcPy or ArcGIS modules in R


Fabian Polakowski, Marc Becker


## Not run: 
# Load ArcPy side-package of ArcGIS Pro with 3D and Spatial Analysis extension.
# Set environment setting 'overwrite' to TRUE.
# Note that no path parameter is necessary because Python is located in the
# default location.
arcpy <- rpygeo_build_env(overwrite = TRUE,
                          extensions = c("3d", "Spatial"),
                          pro = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

# Load the ArcPy module when your Python version is located in a different
# folder

[Package RPyGeo version 1.0.0 Index]