serialize_pb {RProtoBuf}R Documentation

Serialize R object to Protocol Buffer Message.


Serializes R objects to a general purpose protobuf message using the same rexp.proto descriptor and mapping between R objects and protobuf mesages as RHIPE.


serialize_pb(object, connection, ...)



R object to serialize


passed on to serialize


additional arguments passed on to serialize


Clients need both the message and the rexp.proto descriptor to parse serialized R objects. The latter is included in the the package installation proto directory: system.file(package="RProtoBuf", "proto/rexp.proto")

The following storage types are natively supported by the descriptor: character, raw, double, complex, integer, list, and NULL. Objects with other storage types, such as functions, environments, S4 classes, etc, are serialized using base R serialize and stored in the proto native type. Missing values, attributes and numeric precision will be preserved.


msg <- tempfile();
serialize_pb(iris, msg);
obj <- unserialize_pb(msg);
identical(iris, obj);

[Package RProtoBuf version 0.4.22 Index]