ColorScale {RPMG}R Documentation

Color Scale


Graded Color Scale position by locator


ColorScale(z, loc = list(x = 0, y = 0),  thick=1, len=1, offset=.2, col
= rainbow(100),border='black', gradcol='black',numbcol='black',  unitscol='black', 
units = "", SIDE = 1, font = 1, fontindex =1, cex=1)



values to be scaled


x-y location boundary of plotting area, user coordinates


width of scale bar in inches


length of scale bar in inches


offset from border, in inches


color palette


color for border of scale, NA=do not plot


color for gradiation marks of scale, NA=do not plot


color for number values of scale, NA=do not plot


color for units character string, NA=do not plot


character, units for values


side, 1,2,3,4 as in axis


vfont number


font index number


character expansion, see par for details


Locations (loc) are given in User coordinates. The scale is plotted relative to the location provided in user coordinates and offset by so many inches outside that unit. to get a scale plotted on the interior of a plot, send ColorScale a rectangular box inside the plotting region and give it a 0 offset. All other measures are given in inches. To suppress the plotting of a particular item, indicate NA for its color.

Since the list of the bounding box is returned, this can be used to modify the text, e.g. change the way the units are displayed.


list Graphical Side effects and list of bounding box for color scale:


x coordinates of box


y coordinates of box


Jonathan M. Lees<>

See Also




d = dim(volcano)
x=seq(from=1,by=1, length=d[1]+1)
y=seq(from=1,by=1, length=d[2]+1)
plot(range(x), range(y), type='n',  asp=1, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)

image(x=x, y=y, z=volcano, col = rainbow(100), add=TRUE)


ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)) ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, SIDE = 1)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)) ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, SIDE = 2)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)) ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, SIDE = 3)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)) ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, SIDE = 4)

plot(range(x), range(y), type='n',  asp=1, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)

##   image(x=x, y=y, z=volcano, col = rainbow(100), add=TRUE)

XAX = pretty(x)
XAX = XAX[XAX>=min(x)  & XAX<=max(x)]

axis(1, at=XAX, pos=y[1])

YAX = pretty(y)
YAX = YAX[YAX>=min(y)  & YAX<=max(y)]

axis(2, at=YAX, pos=x[1])

rect(x[1], y[1], max(x), max(y))

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x),  y=range(y)) ,offset=.8,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, SIDE = 1)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.8 ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 2,SIDE = 2)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2 ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 3)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2 ,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 4)

plot(range(x), range(y), type='n',  asp=1, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)

##   image(x=x, y=y, z=volcano, col = rainbow(100), add=TRUE)

XAX = pretty(x)
XAX = XAX[XAX>=min(x)  & XAX<=max(x)]

axis(1, at=XAX, pos=y[1])

YAX = pretty(y)
YAX = YAX[YAX>=min(y)  & YAX<=max(y)]

axis(2, at=YAX, pos=x[1])

rect(x[1], y[1], max(x), max(y))

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x),  y=range(y)) , offset=.8,  gradcol= NA, 
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, SIDE = 1)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.8 ,numbcol
= NA, 
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 2,SIDE = 2)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2
,unitscol  = NA,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 3)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2 ,border
= NA, gradcol  = 'black', numbcol  = 'blue', unitscol  = 'purple', 
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, fontindex = 3, SIDE
= 4)


plot(range(x), range(y), type='n',  asp=1, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)

##   image(x=x, y=y, z=volcano, col = rainbow(100), add=TRUE)

XAX = pretty(x)
XAX = XAX[XAX>=min(x)  & XAX<=max(x)]

axis(1, at=XAX, pos=y[1])

YAX = pretty(y)
YAX = YAX[YAX>=min(y)  & YAX<=max(y)]

axis(2, at=YAX, pos=x[1])

rect(x[1], y[1], max(x), max(y))

B = ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2 ,border
= NA, gradcol  = NA, numbcol  = NA, unitscol  = NA, 
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 3)

text(mean(B$x), B$y[2], "scaled data", pos=3, xpd=TRUE)

text(B$x[1], mean(B$y), min(volcano), pos=2,  xpd=TRUE)
text(B$x[2], mean(B$y), max(volcano), pos=4,  xpd=TRUE)

###########################   dark background
par(col.axis="white",   col.lab="white",  col.main="white",  col.sub="white") 

plot(range(x), range(y), type='n',  asp=1, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE,
fg='white' )
image(x=x, y=y, z=volcano, col = rainbow(100), add=TRUE)

XAX = pretty(x)
XAX = XAX[XAX>=min(x)  & XAX<=max(x)]

axis(1, at=XAX, pos=y[1])

YAX = pretty(y)
YAX = YAX[YAX>=min(y)  & YAX<=max(y)]

axis(2, at=YAX, pos=x[1])

rect(x[1], y[1], max(x), max(y), border='white')

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)) ,offset=.6, 
gradcol= 'black',  unitscol  =rgb(.9, .9, 1) ,  numbcol  =rgb(.9, 1, .9) , border="white",
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 1)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.8
,numbcol= rgb(1, .85, .85) , 
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 2,SIDE = 2)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2,unitscol  = NA,
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 3)

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=range(x), y=range(y)), offset=.2 ,border
= NA, gradcol  = 'white', numbcol  = 'blue', unitscol  = 'purple', 
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 2, fontindex = 3, SIDE = 4)

plot(range(x), range(y), type='n',  asp=1, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE,
fg='white' )

XAX = pretty(x)
XAX = XAX[XAX>=min(x)  & XAX<=max(x)]

axis(1, at=XAX, pos=y[1])

YAX = pretty(y)
YAX = YAX[YAX>=min(y)  & YAX<=max(y)]

axis(2, at=YAX, pos=x[1])

rect(x[1], y[1], max(x), max(y), border='black')

ColorScale(volcano, loc=list(x=c(20, 40), y=c(10, 40)), thick=.2, offset=0 ,  
     col = rainbow(100), units = "Elev:m", font = 1, fontindex = 2,SIDE
= 2, cex=.5)

[Package RPMG version 2.2-7 Index]