fit.glmGammaNet {RPEGLMEN} | R Documentation |
Elastic Net Penalized Gamma or Exponentially Distributed Response Variables
Fit glmnet model for Gamma distributed response data.
exponential.dist = FALSE,
alpha.EN = 0.5,
num_lambda = 100L,
glm_type = 1L,
max_iter = 100L,
abs_tol = 1e-04,
rel_tol = 0.01,
normalize_grad = FALSE,
k_fold = 5L,
has_intercept = TRUE,
k_fold_iter = 5L,
min.lambda.ratio = 1e-04,
A |
The matrix of independent variables. |
b |
The vector of response variables. |
exponential.dist |
Parameter to determine whether we use the Exponential distribution (TRUE) or the Gamma distribution (FALSE). |
alpha.EN |
The coefficient of elastic net regularizer (1 means lasso). |
num_lambda |
Size of the lambda grid. |
glm_type |
Type of glm model, 1 is exponential, 2 is gamma (not implemented yet). |
max_iter |
Max number of iteration for the prox grad descent optimizer. |
abs_tol |
Absolute error threshold for the pgd optimizer. |
rel_tol |
Relative error threshold for the pgd optimizer (not used for vanilla PGD). |
normalize_grad |
Swtich for whether to normalize the gradient or not. |
k_fold |
The number of folds for cross validation. |
has_intercept |
Parameter to determine if there is an intercept (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
k_fold_iter |
The number of iterations for the cross-validation. |
min.lambda.ratio |
Minimum lambda ratio for cross-validation. |
... |
Additional parameters. |
vector of optimal coefficient for the glm model.
Anthony-Alexander Christidis,
# Function to return the periodogram of data series
myperiodogram <- function (data, max.freq = 0.5,
twosided = FALSE, keep = 1){
data.fft <- fft(data)
N <- length(data)
tmp <- Mod(data.fft[2:floor(N/2)])^2/N
freq <- ((1:(floor(N/2) - 1))/N)
tmp <- tmp[1:floor(length(tmp) * keep)]
freq <- freq[1:floor(length(freq) * keep)]
if (twosided) {
tmp <- c(rev(tmp), tmp)
freq <- c(-rev(freq), freq)
return(list(spec = tmp, freq = freq))
# Function to compute the standard error based the periodogram of
# the influence functions time series
SE.Gamma <- function(data, d = 7, alpha = 0.5, keep = 1){
N <- length(data)
# Compute the periodograms
my.periodogram <- myperiodogram(data)
my.freq <- my.periodogram$freq
my.periodogram <- my.periodogram$spec
# Remove values of frequency 0 as it does not contain information
# about the variance
my.freq <- my.freq[-1]
my.periodogram <- my.periodogram[-1]
# Implement cut-off
nfreq <- length(my.freq)
my.freq <- my.freq[1:floor(nfreq*keep)]
my.periodogram <- my.periodogram[1:floor(nfreq*keep)]
# GLM with BFGS optimization
# Create 1, x, x^2, ..., x^d
x.mat <- rep(1,length(my.freq))
for(col.iter in 1:d){
x.mat <- cbind(x.mat,my.freq^col.iter)
# Fit the Exponential or Gamma model
res <- fit.glmGammaNet(x.mat, my.periodogram, alpha.EN = alpha)
# Return the estimated variance
# Loading hedge fund data from PA
data(edhec, package = "PerformanceAnalytics")
# Computing the expected shortfall for the time series of returns
# library(RPEIF)
# test.mat <- apply(edhec, 2, IF.ES)
# test.mat <- apply(test.mat, 2, as.numeric)
# Returning the standard errors from the Gamma distribution fit
# apply(test.mat, 2, SE.Gamma)