RODBC-package |
ODBC Database Connectivity |
close.RODBC |
ODBC Close Connections |
getSqlTypeInfo |
Specify or Query a Mapping of R Types to DBMS Types |
odbcClearError |
Low-level ODBC functions |
odbcClose |
ODBC Close Connections |
odbcCloseAll |
ODBC Close Connections |
odbcConnect |
ODBC Open Connections |
odbcDataSources |
List ODBC Data Sources |
odbcDriverConnect |
ODBC Open Connections |
odbcEndTran |
ODBC Set Auto-Commit Mode |
odbcFetchRows |
Low-level ODBC functions |
odbcGetErrMsg |
Low-level ODBC functions |
odbcGetInfo |
Request Information on an ODBC Connection |
odbcQuery |
Low-level ODBC functions |
odbcReConnect |
ODBC Open Connections |
odbcSetAutoCommit |
ODBC Set Auto-Commit Mode |
odbcTables |
Low-level ODBC functions |
ODBC Database Connectivity |
setSqlTypeInfo |
Specify or Query a Mapping of R Types to DBMS Types |
sqlClear |
Deletion Operations on Tables in ODBC databases |
sqlColumns |
Query Column Structure in ODBC Tables |
sqlCopy |
ODBC Copy |
sqlCopyTable |
ODBC Copy |
sqlDrop |
Deletion Operations on Tables in ODBC databases |
sqlFetch |
Reading Tables from ODBC Databases |
sqlFetchMore |
Reading Tables from ODBC Databases |
sqlGetResults |
Query an ODBC Database |
sqlPrimaryKeys |
Query Column Structure in ODBC Tables |
sqlQuery |
Query an ODBC Database |
sqlSave |
Write a Data Frame to a Table in an ODBC Database |
sqlTables |
List Tables on an ODBC Connection |
sqlTypeInfo |
Request Information about Data Types in an ODBC Database |
sqlUpdate |
Write a Data Frame to a Table in an ODBC Database |