ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-Class Problems

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Documentation for package ‘ROCsurf’ version 0.1.1

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dG ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
dL ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
dW ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
pG ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
pL ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
pW ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
qG ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
qL ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
qW ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
r.tc_graph ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
r.tc_index ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
r.tc_vus ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
rG ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
rL ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
ROCsurf ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems
rW ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-class Problems