cartesian_2D |
Cartesian Product of Two Vectors |
ciAUC |
Confidence Interval of AUC |
ciAUC.rocit |
Confidence Interval of AUC |
ciROC |
Confidence Interval of ROC curve |
ciROC.rocit |
Confidence Interval of ROC curve |
ciROCbin |
Confidence Interval of Binormal ROC Curve |
ciROCemp |
Confidence Interval of Empirical ROC Curve |
convertclass |
Converts Binary Vector into 1 and 0 |
Diabetes |
Diabetes Data |
gainstable |
Gains Table for Binary Classifier |
gainstable.default |
Gains Table for Binary Classifier |
gainstable.rocit |
Gains Table for Binary Classifier |
getsurvival |
Survival Probability |
ksplot |
KS Plot |
ksplot.rocit |
KS Plot |
Loan |
Loan Data |
measureit |
Performance Metrics of Binary Classifier |
measureit.default |
Performance Metrics of Binary Classifier |
measureit.rocit |
Performance Metrics of Binary Classifier |
MLestimates |
ML Estimate of Normal Parameters |
plot.gainstable |
Plot '"gainstable"' Object |
plot.rocci |
Plot ROC Curve with confidence limits |
plot.rocit |
Plot ROC Curve |
print.gainstable |
Print "gainstable" Object |
print.measureit |
Print "measureit" Object |
print.rocci |
Print 'rocci' Object |
print.rocit |
Print 'rocit' Object |
print.rocitaucci |
Print Confidence Interval of AUC |
rankorderdata |
Rank order data |
rocit |
ROC Analysis of Binary Classifier |
summary.rocit |
Summary of rocit object |
trapezoidarea |
Approximate Area with Trapezoid Rule |