utcal.nc {RNetCDF} | R Documentation |
Convert Temporal Amounts to UTC Referenced Dates
Convert temporal amounts to UTC referenced date and time.
utcal.nc(unitstring, value, type="n")
unitstring |
A temporal unit with an origin (e.g., |
value |
An amount (quantity) of the given temporal unit. |
type |
Character string which determines the output type. Can be |
Converts the amount, value
, of the temporal unit, unitstring
, into a UTC-referenced date and time.
Functions utcal.nc
and utinvcal.nc
provide a convenient way to convert time values between the forms used by NetCDF variables and R functions. Most R functions require times to be expressed as seconds since the beginning of 1970 in the UTC time zone, typically using objects of class POSIXct
or POSIXlt
. NetCDF files store times in numeric variables with a wide variety of units. The units and calendar are stored in attributes of the time variable, as described by the CF Conventions. Units are expressed as a string, in the form of a time unit since a fixed date-time (e.g. "hours since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00"
, or more simply "hours since 2000-01-01"
The conversions of times between units are performed by the UDUNITS library using a mixed Gregorian/Julian calendar system. Dates prior to 1582-10-15 are assumed to use the Julian calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE and is based on a year that is exactly 365.25 days long. Dates on and after 1582-10-15 are assumed to use the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced on that date and is based on a year that is exactly 365.2425 days long. (A year is actually approximately 365.242198781 days long.) Seemingly strange behavior of the UDUNITS package can result if a user-given time interval includes the changeover date.
Conversions involving alternative calendars are not supported by UDUNITS, but they can be performed by other R packages. For example, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=PCICt implements 360- and 365-day calendars.
If the output type is set to numeric, result is a matrix containing the corresponding date(s) and time(s), with the following columns: year, month, day, hour, minute, second. If the output type is string, result is a vector of strings in the form "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
. Otherwise result is a vector of POSIXct values.
Pavel Michna, Milton Woods
See Also
if (inherits(try(utcal.nc("seconds since 1970-01-01", 0)), "try-error")) {
warning("UDUNITS calendar conversions not supported by this build of RNetCDF")
} else {
## Convert units to UTC referenced time
utcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(0:5))
utcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(0:5), type="s")
utcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(0:5), type="c")
## Create netcdf file with a time coordinate variable.
# Create a time variable (using type POSIXct for convenience):
nt <- 24
time_posixct <- seq(ISOdatetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0,tz="UTC"), by="hour", len=nt)
# Convert time variable to specified units:
time_unit <- "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00"
time_coord <- utinvcal.nc(time_unit, time_posixct)
# Create a netcdf file:
file1 <- tempfile("utcal_", fileext=".nc")
nc <- create.nc(file1)
# Global attributes:
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "Conventions", "NC_CHAR", "CF-1.6")
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "title", "NC_CHAR", "RNetCDF example: time coordinate")
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "institution", "NC_CHAR", "University of Areland")
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "source", "NC_CHAR",
paste("RNetCDF", utils::packageVersion("RNetCDF"), sep="_"))
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "history", "NC_CHAR",
paste(Sys.time(), "File created"))
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "references", "NC_CHAR",
att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "comment", "NC_CHAR",
"Uses attributes recommended by http://cfconventions.org")
# Define time coordinate and attributes:
dim.def.nc(nc, "time", nt)
var.def.nc(nc, "time", "NC_DOUBLE", "time")
att.put.nc(nc, "time", "long_name", "NC_CHAR", "time")
att.put.nc(nc, "time", "units", "NC_CHAR", time_unit)
# Calendar is optional (gregorian is the default):
att.put.nc(nc, "time", "calendar", "NC_CHAR", "gregorian")
# Write the data:
var.put.nc(nc, "time", time_coord)
## Read time coordinate from netcdf file:
# Open the file prepared earlier:
nc <- open.nc(file1)
# Read time coordinate and attributes:
time_coord2 <- var.get.nc(nc, "time")
time_unit2 <- att.get.nc(nc, "time", "units")
# Convert the time variable to POSIXct:
time_posixct2 <- utcal.nc(time_unit2, time_coord2, "c")
# Compare with original POSIXct variable:
stopifnot(all.equal(time_posixct, time_posixct2))