RMySQL-package |
Class MySQLDriver with constructor MySQL. |
.MySQLPkgName |
Constants |
Constants |
.MySQLPkgVersion |
Constants |
.MySQLSQLKeywords |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
constants |
Constants |
db-meta |
Database interface meta-data |
dbApply |
Apply R/S-Plus functions to remote groups of DBMS rows (experimental) |
dbApply-method |
Apply R/S-Plus functions to remote groups of DBMS rows (experimental) |
dbBegin-method |
DBMS Transaction Management |
dbClearResult-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
dbColumnInfo-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
dbCommit-method |
DBMS Transaction Management |
dbConnect-method |
Connect/disconnect to a MySQL DBMS |
dbDataType-method |
Determine the SQL Data Type of an S object |
dbDisconnect-method |
Connect/disconnect to a MySQL DBMS |
dbEscapeStrings |
Escape SQL-special characters in strings. |
dbEscapeStrings-method |
Escape SQL-special characters in strings. |
dbExistsTable-method |
Convenience functions for importing/exporting DBMS tables |
dbFetch-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
dbGetException-method |
Database interface meta-data |
dbGetException-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
dbGetInfo-method |
Database interface meta-data |
dbGetInfo-method |
Get information about a MySQL driver. |
dbGetInfo-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
dbGetRowCount-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
dbGetRowsAffected-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
dbGetStatement-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
dbHasCompleted-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
dbIsValid-method |
Check if a database object is valid. |
dbListConnections-method |
Get information about a MySQL driver. |
dbListFields-method |
Convenience functions for importing/exporting DBMS tables |
dbListFields-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
dbListResults-method |
Database interface meta-data |
dbListTables-method |
Convenience functions for importing/exporting DBMS tables |
dbMoreResults |
Fetch next result set from an SQL script or stored procedure (experimental) |
dbMoreResults-method |
Fetch next result set from an SQL script or stored procedure (experimental) |
dbNextResult |
Fetch next result set from an SQL script or stored procedure (experimental) |
dbNextResult-method |
Fetch next result set from an SQL script or stored procedure (experimental) |
dbReadTable-method |
Convenience functions for importing/exporting DBMS tables |
dbRemoveTable-method |
Convenience functions for importing/exporting DBMS tables |
dbRollback-method |
DBMS Transaction Management |
dbSendQuery-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
dbUnloadDriver-method |
Unload MySQL driver. |
dbWriteTable-method |
Write a local data frame or file to the database. |
fetch-method |
Execute a SQL statement on a database connection. |
isIdCurrent |
Check if a database object is valid. |
isSQLKeyword-method |
Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers |
make.db.names-method |
Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers |
Class MySQLDriver with constructor MySQL. |
mysqlClientLibraryVersions |
MySQL Check for Compiled Versus Loaded Client Library Versions |
MySQLDriver-class |
Class MySQLDriver with constructor MySQL. |
mysqlHasDefault |
Check if default database is available. |
result-meta |
Database interface meta-data. |
Class MySQLDriver with constructor MySQL. |
show-method |
Database interface meta-data |
show-method |
Get information about a MySQL driver. |
show-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
SQLKeywords-method |
Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers |
summary-method |
Database interface meta-data |
summary-method |
Get information about a MySQL driver. |
summary-method |
Database interface meta-data. |
transactions |
DBMS Transaction Management |