Mappable Vector Library for Handling Large Datasets

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Documentation for package ‘RMVL’ version

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$.MVL MVL handle subscription operator
dim.MVL_OBJECT Obtain dimensions of MVL object
length.MVL_OBJECT Obtain length of MVL object
mvl2R Make sure the object is fully converted to its R representation
mvl_add_directory_entries Add entries to MVL directory
mvl_class Return underlying R class of object
mvl_close Close MVL file
mvl_compute_repeats Find stretches of repeated rows among vectors
mvl_extent_index_lapply Apply function to indices of rows with matching hashes
mvl_find_matches Find matching rows
mvl_fused_write_objects Concatenate objects and write result into MVL file.
mvl_get_groups Retrieve indices belonging to one or more groups
mvl_get_neighbors Retrieve indices of nearby rows.
mvl_group Group identical rows
mvl_group_lapply Apply function to index stretches
mvl_hash_vectors Return hash values for each row
mvl_indexed_copy Index copy vector
mvl_index_lapply Apply function to indices of nearby rows
mvl_inherits Check inheritance of R or MVL objects
mvl_merge Merge two MVL data frames and write the result
mvl_neighbors_lapply Apply function to indices of nearby rows
mvl_object_stats Return MVL object properties
mvl_open Open an MVL file
mvl_order_vectors Return permutation sorting vector entries
mvl_remap Enlarge memory map to include recently loaded data.
mvl_rewrite_vector Piecewise output of very long numeric and integer vectors
mvl_start_write_vector Piecewise output of very long numeric and integer vectors
mvl_status Return status of MVL package
mvl_write_extent_index Compute and write extent index
mvl_write_groups Write group information for each row
mvl_write_hash_vectors Write hash values for each row
mvl_write_object Write R object into MVL file
mvl_write_serialized_object Write R object in serialized form
mvl_write_spatial_groups Write spatial group information for each row
mvl_write_spatial_index1 Write spatial group information for each row
mvl_xlength Return length of MVL or R vector as a numeric value
names.MVL Print MVL directory
names.MVL_OBJECT Retrieve MVL object names
print.MVL Print MVL
print.MVL_OBJECT Print MVL object This is a convenience function for displaying MVL_OBJECTs.
[.MVL MVL handle subscription operator
[.MVL_OBJECT MVL object subscription operator
[[.MVL_OBJECT MVL object subscription operator