RMKdiscrete-package {RMKdiscrete}R Documentation

Sundry discrete probability distributions.


RMKdiscrete implements several univariate and bivariate discrete probability distributions:

Finally, the ManaClash distributions are provided just for fun.

The package is presently in an unoptimized but functional "beta" state. Additional helper functions and distributions, including multivariate distributions in more than two dimensions, are planned for subsequent versions of the package. Contact the maintainer, rkirkpatrick2@vcu.edu, with suggestions, bug reports, and feature requests.


Package: RMKdiscrete
Version: 0.1
Date: 2014/10/17
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), stats
License: GPL (>= 2)


Robert M. Kirkpatrick rkirkpatrick2@vcu.edu Maintainer: Robert M. Kirkpatrick

[Package RMKdiscrete version 0.2 Index]