Artificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance

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Documentation for package ‘RJafroc’ version 2.1.2

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RJafroc-package Artificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance
ChisqrGoodnessOfFit Compute the chisquare goodness of fit statistic for ROC fitting model
dataset01 TONY FROC dataset
dataset02 Van Dyke ROC dataset
dataset03 Franken ROC dataset
dataset04 Federica Zanca FROC dataset
dataset05 John Thompson FROC dataset
dataset06 Magnus FROC dataset
dataset07 Lucy Warren FROC dataset
dataset08 Monica Penedo ROC dataset
dataset09 Nico Karssemeijer ROC dataset (CAD vs. radiologists)
dataset10 Mark Ruschin ROC dataset
dataset11 Dobbins 1 FROC dataset
dataset12 Dobbins 2 ROC dataset
dataset13 Dobbins 3 FROC dataset
dataset14 Federica Zanca real (as opposed to inferred) ROC dataset
datasetBinned123 Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 123
datasetBinned124 Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 124
datasetBinned125 Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 125
datasetCadLroc Nico Karssemeijer LROC dataset (CAD vs. radiologists)
datasetCadSimuFroc Simulated FROC CAD vs. RAD dataset
datasetCrossedModality John Thompson crossed treatment FROC dataset
datasetDegenerate Simulated degenerate ROC dataset (for testing purposes)
datasetFROCSpC Simulated FROC SPLIT-PLOT-C dataset
datasetROI Simulated ROI dataset
Df2RJafrocDataset Convert ratings arrays to an RJafroc dataset
DfBinDataset Returns a binned dataset
DfCreateCorCbmDataset Create paired dataset for testing 'FitCorCbm'
DfExtractCorCbmDataset Extract two arms of a pairing from an MRMC ROC dataset
DfExtractDataset Extract a subset of treatments and readers from a dataset
DfFroc2Lroc Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" LROC dataset from an FROC dataset
DfFroc2Roc Convert an FROC dataset to an ROC dataset
DfLroc2Froc Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from an LROC dataset
DfLroc2Roc Convert an LROC dataset to a ROC dataset
DfReadCrossedModalities Read a crossed-treatment data file
DfReadDataFile Read a data file
DfSaveDataFile Save ROC dataset in different formats
DfWriteExcelDataFile Save dataset object as a JAFROC format Excel file
FitBinormalRoc Fit the binormal model to selected treatment and reader in an ROC dataset
FitCbmRoc Fit the contaminated binormal model (CBM) to selected treatment and reader in an ROC dataset
FitCorCbm Fit CORCBM to a paired ROC dataset
FitRsmRoc Fit the radiological search model (RSM) to an ROC dataset
isBinnedDataset Determine if a dataset is binned
isValidDataset Check the validity of a dataset
PlotBinormalFit Plot binormal fit
PlotCbmFit Plot CBM fitted curve
PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics Plot empirical operating characteristics, ROC, FROC or LROC
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics RSM predicted operating characteristics, ROC pdfs and AUCs
RSM_LLF RSM predicted FROC ordinate
RSM_NLF RSM predicted FROC abscissa
RSM_pdfD RSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for diseased cases
RSM_pdfN RSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for non-diseased cases
RSM_wLLF RSM predicted wAFROC ordinate
RSM_xROC RSM predicted ROC-abscissa as function of z
RSM_yROC RSM predicted ROC-ordinate as function of z
SimulateCorCbmDataset Simulate paired binned data for testing FitCorCbm
SimulateFrocDataset Simulates an MRMC uncorrelated FROC dataset using the RSM
SimulateFrocFromLrocDataset Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from an LROC dataset
SimulateLrocDataset Simulates an uncorrelated FLROC FrocDataset using the RSM
SimulateRocDataset Simulates a binormal model ROC dataset
SsFrocNhRsmModel RSM fitted model for FROC sample size
SsPowerGivenJK Statistical power for specified numbers of readers and cases
SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarCom Power given J, K and Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components
SsPowerGivenJKOrVarCom Power given J, K and Obuchowski-Rockette variance components
SsPowerTable Generate a power table using the OR method
SsSampleSizeKGivenJ Number of cases, for specified number of readers, to achieve desired power
StSignificanceTesting Performs DBM or OR significance testing for factorial or split-plot A,C datasets
StSignificanceTestingCadVsRad Significance testing: standalone CAD vs. radiologists
StSignificanceTestingCrossedModalities Perform significance testing using crossed treatments analysis
UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM RSM ROC/AFROC/wAFROC AUC calculator
UtilAucBinormal Binormal model AUC function
UtilAucCBM CBM AUC function
UtilDBM2ORVarCom Convert from DBM to OR variance components
UtilFigureOfMerit Calculate empirical figures of merit (FOMs) for specified dataset
UtilIntrinsic2RSM Convert from intrinsic to physical RSM parameters
UtilLesionDistrVector Get the lesion distribution vector of a dataset
UtilLesionWeightsMatrix Determine lesion weights distribution 2D matrix
UtilLesionWeightsMatrixDataset Determine lesion weights distribution 2D matrix
UtilLesionWeightsMatrixLesDistr Determine lesion weights distribution 2D matrix
UtilMeanSquares Calculate mean squares for factorial dataset
UtilOR2DBMVarCom Convert from OR to DBM variance components
UtilORVarComponentsFactorial Utility for estimating Obuchowski-Rockette variance components for factorial datasets
UtilOutputReport Generate a text formatted report file or an Excel file
UtilPseudoValues Pseudovalues for given dataset and FOM
UtilRSM2Intrinsic Convert from physical to intrinsic RSM parameters
UtilVarComponentsDBM Utility for Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components