RJafroc-package |
Artificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance |
ChisqrGoodnessOfFit |
Compute the chisquare goodness of fit statistic for ROC fitting model |
dataset01 |
TONY FROC dataset |
dataset02 |
Van Dyke ROC dataset |
dataset03 |
Franken ROC dataset |
dataset04 |
Federica Zanca FROC dataset |
dataset05 |
John Thompson FROC dataset |
dataset06 |
Magnus FROC dataset |
dataset07 |
Lucy Warren FROC dataset |
dataset08 |
Monica Penedo ROC dataset |
dataset09 |
Nico Karssemeijer ROC dataset (CAD vs. radiologists) |
dataset10 |
Mark Ruschin ROC dataset |
dataset11 |
Dobbins 1 FROC dataset |
dataset12 |
Dobbins 2 ROC dataset |
dataset13 |
Dobbins 3 FROC dataset |
dataset14 |
Federica Zanca real (as opposed to inferred) ROC dataset |
datasetBinned123 |
Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 123 |
datasetBinned124 |
Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 124 |
datasetBinned125 |
Binned dataset suitable for checking 'FitCorCbm'; seed = 125 |
datasetCadLroc |
Nico Karssemeijer LROC dataset (CAD vs. radiologists) |
datasetCadSimuFroc |
Simulated FROC CAD vs. RAD dataset |
datasetCrossedModality |
John Thompson crossed treatment FROC dataset |
datasetDegenerate |
Simulated degenerate ROC dataset (for testing purposes) |
datasetFROCSpC |
Simulated FROC SPLIT-PLOT-C dataset |
datasetROI |
Simulated ROI dataset |
Df2RJafrocDataset |
Convert ratings arrays to an RJafroc dataset |
DfBinDataset |
Returns a binned dataset |
DfCreateCorCbmDataset |
Create paired dataset for testing 'FitCorCbm' |
DfExtractCorCbmDataset |
Extract two arms of a pairing from an MRMC ROC dataset |
DfExtractDataset |
Extract a subset of treatments and readers from a dataset |
DfFroc2Lroc |
Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" LROC dataset from an FROC dataset |
DfFroc2Roc |
Convert an FROC dataset to an ROC dataset |
DfLroc2Froc |
Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from an LROC dataset |
DfLroc2Roc |
Convert an LROC dataset to a ROC dataset |
DfReadCrossedModalities |
Read a crossed-treatment data file |
DfReadDataFile |
Read a data file |
DfSaveDataFile |
Save ROC dataset in different formats |
DfWriteExcelDataFile |
Save dataset object as a JAFROC format Excel file |
FitBinormalRoc |
Fit the binormal model to selected treatment and reader in an ROC dataset |
FitCbmRoc |
Fit the contaminated binormal model (CBM) to selected treatment and reader in an ROC dataset |
FitCorCbm |
Fit CORCBM to a paired ROC dataset |
FitRsmRoc |
Fit the radiological search model (RSM) to an ROC dataset |
isBinnedDataset |
Determine if a dataset is binned |
isValidDataset |
Check the validity of a dataset |
PlotBinormalFit |
Plot binormal fit |
PlotCbmFit |
Plot CBM fitted curve |
PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics |
Plot empirical operating characteristics, ROC, FROC or LROC |
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics |
RSM predicted operating characteristics, ROC pdfs and AUCs |
RSM predicted FROC ordinate |
RSM predicted FROC abscissa |
RSM_pdfD |
RSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for diseased cases |
RSM_pdfN |
RSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for non-diseased cases |
RSM predicted wAFROC ordinate |
RSM predicted ROC-abscissa as function of z |
RSM predicted ROC-ordinate as function of z |
SimulateCorCbmDataset |
Simulate paired binned data for testing FitCorCbm |
SimulateFrocDataset |
Simulates an MRMC uncorrelated FROC dataset using the RSM |
SimulateFrocFromLrocDataset |
Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from an LROC dataset |
SimulateLrocDataset |
Simulates an uncorrelated FLROC FrocDataset using the RSM |
SimulateRocDataset |
Simulates a binormal model ROC dataset |
SsFrocNhRsmModel |
RSM fitted model for FROC sample size |
SsPowerGivenJK |
Statistical power for specified numbers of readers and cases |
SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarCom |
Power given J, K and Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components |
SsPowerGivenJKOrVarCom |
Power given J, K and Obuchowski-Rockette variance components |
SsPowerTable |
Generate a power table using the OR method |
SsSampleSizeKGivenJ |
Number of cases, for specified number of readers, to achieve desired power |
StSignificanceTesting |
Performs DBM or OR significance testing for factorial or split-plot A,C datasets |
StSignificanceTestingCadVsRad |
Significance testing: standalone CAD vs. radiologists |
StSignificanceTestingCrossedModalities |
Perform significance testing using crossed treatments analysis |
UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM |
UtilAucBinormal |
Binormal model AUC function |
UtilAucCBM |
CBM AUC function |
PROPROC AUC function |
UtilDBM2ORVarCom |
Convert from DBM to OR variance components |
UtilFigureOfMerit |
Calculate empirical figures of merit (FOMs) for specified dataset |
UtilIntrinsic2RSM |
Convert from intrinsic to physical RSM parameters |
UtilLesionDistrVector |
Get the lesion distribution vector of a dataset |
UtilLesionWeightsMatrix |
Determine lesion weights distribution 2D matrix |
UtilLesionWeightsMatrixDataset |
Determine lesion weights distribution 2D matrix |
UtilLesionWeightsMatrixLesDistr |
Determine lesion weights distribution 2D matrix |
UtilMeanSquares |
Calculate mean squares for factorial dataset |
UtilOR2DBMVarCom |
Convert from OR to DBM variance components |
UtilORVarComponentsFactorial |
Utility for estimating Obuchowski-Rockette variance components for factorial datasets |
UtilOutputReport |
Generate a text formatted report file or an Excel file |
UtilPseudoValues |
Pseudovalues for given dataset and FOM |
UtilRSM2Intrinsic |
Convert from physical to intrinsic RSM parameters |
UtilVarComponentsDBM |
Utility for Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components |