asJSVars | Serialize R objects as Javsscript/ActionScript variables |
basicJSONHandler | Create handler for processing JSON elements from a parser |
emptyNamedList | Convert an R object to a string in Javascript Object Notation |
fromJSON | Convert JSON content to R objects |
fromJSON-method | Convert JSON content to R objects |
isValidJSON | Test if JSON content is valid |
isValidJSON-method | Test if JSON content is valid |
JSON_T_ARRAY_BEGIN | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_ARRAY_END | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_FALSE | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_FLOAT | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_INTEGER | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_KEY | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_MAX | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_NONE | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_NULL | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_OBJECT_BEGIN | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_OBJECT_END | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_STRING | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
JSON_T_TRUE | Symbolic constants identifying the type of a JSON value. |
readJSONStream | Read JSON from a Connection/Stream |
Strict | Convert JSON content to R objects |
StrictCharacter | Convert JSON content to R objects |
StrictLogical | Convert JSON content to R objects |
StrictNumeric | Convert JSON content to R objects |
toJSON | Convert an R object to a string in Javascript Object Notation |
toJSON-method | Convert an R object to a string in Javascript Object Notation |