PSicalc {RInSp} | R Documentation |
Calculate the proportional similarity index
A measure of individual specialization proposed by Bolnick et al. (2003), based on the average pairwise overlap of the niche distribution of individuals and the population.
PSicalc(dataset, = "sum", exclude = FALSE, replicates=999, precision = 1e-9)
dataset |
Object of class RInSp with data. | |
Option specifying the way to calculate the population diet. Valid values are “sum” or “average”. |
exclude |
A logical value to exclude or not the individual in variance estimates. Defalut is FALSE, i.e. keep all individuals. |
replicates |
Number of replicates for Monte Carlo resampling. |
precision |
a filter to remove from the PS matrix all values which are lower than "precision". In this way some interactions are removed due to their small weight in the PS matrix. |
Both Schoener (1968) and Feinsinger et al. (1981) advocated using Czekanowski's proportional similarity index (PS) for interspecific niche studies. Adapted to individual-level analyses, the diet overlap between an individual and the population is:
PS_i = 1 - 0.5 \sum_j{|p_{ij} - q_j|}
where p_{ij}
is the frequency of category j in the individual i's diet, and q_j
is the frequency of category j in the population as a whole.
The prevalence of individual specialization (IS) in the population is then measured by the average of individuals' PS values:
IS = \frac{\sum_i(PS_i)}{N}
Monte Carlo resampling for hypothesis testing is implemented for the case when all individuals are kept.
The user has the option of calculating each individual's PS_i
and Var(PS_i)
using q_j
values calculated by either including or excluding individual i.
The function returns a list composed by:
PSi |
A column vector with the individual proportional similarity index for each individual i. |
IS |
The value of the prevalence of individual specialization. |
PSi.montecarlo |
Monte Carlo resampling simulation values for |
Var.montecarlo |
Monte Carlo resampling simulation values for |
VarPSi |
A column vector of the estimated variance for each individual. | |
A vector describing the population diet. A matrix is returned when “exclude” is TRUE. |
IS.pvalue |
Probability value for the observed IS against the Monte Carlo resampling simulation. Consider to use more than 1000 simulations. |
montecarlo |
Monte Carlo resampling simulation values for |
num.individuals |
The number of individuals of the data set. |
parmeter |
The value points to the column of the “montecarlo” matrix for plotting results. |
Precission |
The value of the selected threshold for precision. |
Bolnick, D.I., L.H. Yang, J.A. Fordyce, J.M. Davis, and Svanback, R. 2002. Measuring individual-level resource specialization. Ecology 83: 2936-2941.
Feinsinger, P., Spears, E. E., and Poole, R. W. 1981. A simple measure of niche breadth. Ecology 62: 27-32.
Schoener, T.W. 1968. The Anolis lizards of Bimini: resource partitioning in a complex fauna. Ecology 49: 704-726.
# PSicalc example using stickleback data from Bolnick and Paull 2009
# Select a single spatial sampling site (site A)
GutContents_SiteA <- import.RInSp(Stickleback, row.names = 1,
info.cols = c(2:13), subset.rows = c("Site", "A"))
# Warning, the number of replicates is set low to speed up he example!
# Note, for real analyses we recommend to set replicates => 999
PSi <- PSicalc(GutContents_SiteA, exclude = FALSE, replicates = 99)