RIbench-package {RIbench}R Documentation

RIbench: Benchmark Suite for the Standardized Evaluation of Indirect Methods for Reference Interval Estimation


RIbench enables the automated evaluation and comparison of any existing and novel indirect method in a systematic way. Indirect methods take routine measurements of diagnostic tests, containing pathological and non-pathological samples as input and use sophisticated statistical methods to derive a model describing the distribution of the non-pathological samples, which can then be used to derive reference intervals. The benchmark suite contains 5,760 simulated data sets with varying difficulty. To include any indirect method, a custom wrapper function needs to be provided. The package offers functions for generating the test sets generateBiomarkerTestSets, executing the indirect method evaluateBiomarkerTestSets and evaluating the results evaluateAlgorithmResults.


Package: RIbench
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2022-11-25
License: GPL (>=3)
LazyLoad: yes


Tatjana Ammer tatjana.ammer@roche.com, Christopher M Rank christopher.rank@roche.com, Andre Schuetzenmeister andre.schuetzenmeister@roche.com


Ammer, T., Schuetzenmeister, A., Prokosch, HU., Zierk, J., Rank, C.M., Rauh, M. RIbench: A Proposed Benchmark for the Standardized Evaluation of Indirect Methods for Reference Interval Estimation. Clin Chem (2022) [Accepted, July 12].

[Package RIbench version 1.0.2 Index]