Heart Rate Turbulence Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘RHRT’ version 1.0.1

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avHRT S4 class to represent an avHRT object
calcAvHRT Calculate an avHRT object
calcAvHRT-method Calculate an avHRT object
calcHRTParams Calculate HRT parameters
calcHRTParams-method Calculate HRT parameters
calcTO Calculate TO parameters
calcTO-method Calculate TO parameters
calcTS Calculate TS parameters
calcTS-method Calculate TS parameters
checkAnnotations Checks annotations for compatibility
checkForHRT Checks RR-intervals for HRT criteria and returns an HRT object
checkInput Checks data input for compatibility
checkValidity Checks whether slots are set
checkValidity-method Checks whether slots are set
cleanInput Cleans data input for further checks or calculation
getHRTParams Extracts all values of a special slot out of a HRTList
getHRTParams-method Extracts all values of a special slot out of a HRTList
getHRTs Finds HRTs
getPositions Get positions of PVCs
getPositions-method Get positions of PVCs
getResults Get averaged HRT parameters
getResults-method Get averaged HRT parameters
getRRs Returns the VPCS intervals in right order
getRRs-method Returns the VPCS intervals in right order
HRT S4 class to represent an HRT object
HRTList S4 class to represent a list of HRT objects
initialize-method S4 class to represent an HRT object
initialize-method S4 class to represent a list of HRT objects
initialize-method S4 class to represent an avHRT object
plot-method Plot an HRT object
plot-method Plot an HRTList object
roll Apply method on sliding window
testdataLong Long term data
testdataLong_Ann Long term data annotations
vectorToHRT Convert a vector to HRTList