rgcca_permutation {RGCCA} | R Documentation |
Tune the S/RGCCA hyper-parameters by permutation
This function can be used to automatically select the hyper-parameters (amount of sparsity for sgcca or shrinkage parameters for RGCCA). A permutation-based strategy very similar to the one proposed in (Witten et al, 2009) is implemented.
par_type = "tau",
par_value = NULL,
par_length = 10,
n_perms = 20,
n_cores = 1,
quiet = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
scale_block = TRUE,
method = "rgcca",
connection = NULL,
scheme = "factorial",
ncomp = 1,
tau = 1,
sparsity = 1,
init = "svd",
bias = TRUE,
tol = 1e-08,
response = NULL,
superblock = FALSE,
NA_method = "na.ignore",
rgcca_res = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
n_iter_max = 1000,
comp_orth = TRUE
blocks |
A list that contains the |
par_type |
A character giving the parameter to tune among "sparsity", "tau" or "ncomp". |
par_value |
The parameter values to be tested, either NULL,
a numerical vector of size If par_value is NULL, up to par_length sets of parameters are generated
uniformly from
the minimum and maximum possible values of the parameter defined by par_type
for each block. Minimum possible values are 0 for tau,
If par_value is a vector, it overwrites the maximum values taken for the range of generated parameters. If par_value is a matrix, par_value directly corresponds to the set of tested parameters. |
par_length |
An integer indicating the number of sets of candidate parameters to be tested (if par_value is not a matrix). |
n_perms |
The number of permutations for each set of parameters (default is 20). |
n_cores |
The number of cores used for parallelization. |
quiet |
A logical value indicating if some diagnostic messages are reported. |
scale |
A logical value indicating if variables are standardized. |
scale_block |
A logical value or a string indicating if each block is scaled. If TRUE or "inertia", each block is divided by the sum of eigenvalues of its empirical covariance matrix. If "lambda1", each block is divided by the square root of the highest eigenvalue of its empirical covariance matrix. If standardization is applied (scale = TRUE), the block scaling applies on the standardized blocks. |
method |
A string specifying which multiblock component method to consider. Possible values are found using available_methods. |
connection |
A ( |
scheme |
A string or a function specifying the scheme function applied to covariance maximization among "horst" (the identity function), "factorial" (the square function - default value), "centroid" (the absolute value function). The scheme function can be any continuously differentiable convex function and it is possible to design explicitly the scheme function (e.g. function(x) x^4) as argument of the function. See (Tenenhaus et al, 2017) for details. |
ncomp |
A numerical value or a vector of length |
tau |
Either a numerical value, a numeric vector of size
If tau is a numerical value, tau is identical across all constraints applied to all block weight vectors. If tau is a vector, tau[j] is used for the constraints applied to
all the block weight vectors associated to block If tau is a matrix, tau[k, j] is associated with the constraints
applied to the kth block weight vector corresponding to block
If tau = "optimal" the regularization parameters are estimated for each block and each dimension using the Schafer and Strimmer (2005) analytical formula. The tau parameters can also be estimated using rgcca_permutation or rgcca_cv. |
sparsity |
Either a numerical value, a numeric vector of
size If sparsity is a numerical value, then sparsity is identical across all constraints applied to all block weight vectors. If sparsity is a vector, sparsity[j] is identical across the constraints
applied to the block weight vectors associated to block
If sparsity is a matrix, sparsity[k, j] is associated with the constraints
applied to the kth block weight vector corresponding to block
The sparsity parameter can be estimated by using rgcca_permutation or rgcca_cv. |
init |
A string giving the type of initialization to use in the RGCCA algorithm. It could be either by Singular Value Decompostion ("svd") or by random initialization ("random") (default: "svd"). |
bias |
A logical value for biased ( |
tol |
The stopping value for the convergence of the algorithm (default: tol = 1e-08). |
response |
A numerical value giving the position of the response block. When the response argument is filled, the supervised mode is automatically activated. |
superblock |
A logical value indicating if the superblock option is used. |
NA_method |
A string indicating the method used for handling missing values ("na.ignore", "na.omit"). (default: "na.ignore").
rgcca_res |
A fitted RGCCA object (see |
verbose |
A logical value indicating if the progress of the permutation procedure is reported. |
n_iter_max |
Integer giving the algorithm's maximum number of iterations. |
comp_orth |
A logical value indicating if the deflation should lead to orthogonal block components or orthogonal block weight vectors. |
The tuning parameters are selected using the permutation scheme proposed in (Witten et al, 2009). For each candidate tuning parameter value, the following is performed:
(1) Repeat the following n_perms times (for n_perms large):
(a) Randomly permuted the rows of X_1
,..., X_J
to create new blocks: X_1^*
,..., X_J^*
(b) Run S/RGCCA on the permuted blocks X_1^*
(c) Record the S/RGCCA criterion t^*
(2) Run S/RGCCA on the original blocks X_1
,..., X_J
(3) Record the S/RGCCA criterion t
(4) The resulting p-value is given by \textrm{mean}(t^* > t)
that is, the fraction of t^*
that exceeds the value of t
obtained from the real data.
(5) The resulting zstat is defined as
Then, choose the tuning parameter values that gives the highest value in Step 5.
A rgcca_permutation object that can be printed and plotted.
opt |
A list indicating some options of the RGCCA model used during the permutation. |
call |
A list containing the input parameters of the RGCCA model. |
par_type |
The type of parameter tuned (either "tau", "sparsity", or "ncomp"). |
n_perms |
The number of permutations for each set of candidate tuning parameters. |
best_params |
The set of tuning parameters that yields the highest Z-statistic. |
permcrit |
A matrix of permuted S/RGCCA criteria. The ith row of permcrit contains the n_perms values of S/RGCCA permuted criteria obtained for the ith set of tuning parameters. |
params |
A matrix reporting the sets of candidate parameters used during the permutation process. |
stats |
A data.frame containing in columns: the sets of candidate parameters, the corresponding non permuted criteria, means and standard deviations of permuted criteria, Z-statistics and p-values. |
Witten, D. M., Tibshirani, R., & Hastie, T. (2009). A penalized matrix decomposition, with applications to sparse principal components and canonical correlation analysis. Biostatistics, 10(3), 515-534.
# Permutation based strategy for #
# determining the best shrinkage #
# parameters (par_type = "tau") #
blocks <- list(
agriculture = Russett[, seq(3)],
industry = Russett[, 4:5],
politic = Russett[, 6:11]
C <- matrix(c(
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1,
1, 1, 0
), 3, 3)
# default value: 10 vectors from rep(0, length(blocks))
# to rep(1, length(blocks)), uniformly distributed.
fit <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
connection = C,
par_type = "tau",
par_length = 10, n_perms = 2,
n_cores = 1, verbose = TRUE
## Not run:
# It is possible to define explicitly K combinations of shrinkage
# parameters to be tested and in that case a matrix of dimension KxJ is
# required. Each row of this matrix corresponds to one specific set of
# shrinkage parameters.
par_value <- matrix(c(
0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
sapply(blocks, RGCCA:::tau.estimate),
1, 1, 1
), 5, 3, byrow = TRUE)
perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
connection = C,
par_type = "tau",
par_value = par_value,
n_perms = 5, n_cores = 1
# with superblock
perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
par_type = "tau",
superblock = TRUE,
scale = TRUE, scale_block = FALSE,
n_perms = 5, n_cores = 1
# used a fitted rgcca_permutation object as input of the rgcca function
fit.rgcca <- rgcca(perm.out)
# Permutation based strategy for #
# determining the best sparsity #
# parameters (par_type = "sparsity") #
# defaut value: 10 vectors from minimum values
# (1/sqrt(ncol(X1)), ..., 1/sqrt(ncol(XJ))
# to rep(1, J), uniformly distributed.
perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
par_type = "sparsity",
n_perms = 50, n_cores = 1
# when par_value is a vector of length J. Each element of the vector
# indicates the maximum value of sparsity to be considered for each block.
# par_length (default value = 10) vectors from minimum values
# (1/sqrt(ncol(X1)), ..., 1/sqrt(ncol(XJ)) to maximum values, uniformly
# distributed, are then considered.
perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
connection = C,
par_type = "sparsity",
par_value = c(0.6, 0.75, 0.5),
par_length = 7, n_perms = 20,
n_cores = 1, tol = 1e-3
# when par_value is a scalar, the same maximum value is applied
# for each block
perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
connection = C,
par_type = "sparsity",
par_value = 0.8, par_length = 5,
n_perms = 10, n_cores = 1
# Speed up the permutation procedure #
# The rgcca_permutation function can be quite time-consuming. Since
# approximate estimates of the block weight vectors are acceptable in this
# case, it is possible to reduce the value of the tolerance (tol argument)
# of the RGCCA algorithm to speed up the permutation procedure.
data("ge_cgh_locIGR", package = "gliomaData")
A <- ge_cgh_locIGR$multiblocks
Loc <- factor(ge_cgh_locIGR$y)
levels(Loc) <- colnames(ge_cgh_locIGR$multiblocks$y)
A[[3]] <- A[[3]][, -3]
C <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), 3, 3)
# check dimensions of the blocks
sapply(A, dim)
par_value <- matrix(c(
seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1),
seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1),
rep(0, 10)
), 10, 3, byrow = FALSE)
fit <- rgcca_permutation(A,
connection = C,
par_type = "tau",
par_value = par_value,
par_length = 10,
n_perms = 10, n_cores = 1, tol = 1e-2
## End(Not run)