rfpi {RFpredInterval}R Documentation

Prediction intervals with random forests


Constructs prediction intervals with 15 distinct variations proposed by Roy and Larocque (2020). The variations include two aspects: The method used to build the forest and the method used to build the prediction interval. There are three methods to build the forest, (i) least-squares (LS), (ii) L1 and (iii) shortest prediction interval (SPI) from the CART paradigm. There are five methods for constructing prediction intervals, classical method, shortest prediction interval, quantile method, highest density region, and contiguous HDR.


  alpha = 0.05,
  split_rule = c("ls", "l1", "spi"),
  pi_method = c("lm", "spi", "quant", "hdr", "chdr"),
  calibration = TRUE,
  rf_package = c("rfsrc", "ranger"),
  params_rfsrc = list(ntree = 2000, mtry = ceiling(px/3), nodesize = 5, samptype =
  params_ranger = list(num.trees = 2000, mtry = ceiling(px/3), min.node.size = 5,
    replace = TRUE),
  params_calib = list(range = c(1 - alpha - 0.005, 1 - alpha + 0.005), start = (1 -
    alpha), step = 0.01, refine = TRUE),
  oob = FALSE



Object of class formula or character describing the model to fit.


Training data of class data.frame.


Test data of class data.frame.


Confidence level. (1 - alpha) is the desired coverage level. The default is alpha = 0.05 for the 95% prediction interval.


Split rule for building a forest. Options are "ls" for CART with least-squares (LS) splitting rule, "l1" for CART with L1 splitting rule, "spi" for CART with shortest prediction interval (SPI) splitting rule. The default is "ls".


Methods for building a prediction interval. Options are "lm" for classical method, "spi" for shortest prediction interval, "quant" for quantile method, "hdr" for highest density region, and "chdr" for contiguous HDR. The default is to use all methods for PI construction. Single method or a subset of methods can be applied.


Apply OOB calibration for finding working level of alpha, i.e. αw\alpha_w. See below for details. The default is TRUE.


Random forest package that can be used for RF training. Options are "rfsrc" for randomForestSRC and "ranger" for ranger packages. Split rule "ls" can be used with both packages. However, "l1" and "spi" split rules can only be used with "rfsrc". The default is "rfsrc".


List of parameters that should be passed to randomForestSRC. In the default parameter set, ntree = 2000, mtry = px/3px/3 (rounded up), nodesize = 5, samptype = "swr". See randomForestSRC for possible parameters.


List of parameters that should be passed to ranger. In the default parameter set, num.trees = 2000, mtry = px/3px/3 (rounded up), min.node.size = 5, replace = TRUE. See ranger for possible parameters.


List of parameters for calibration procedure. range is the allowed target calibration range for coverage level. The value that provides a coverage level within the range is chosen as αw\alpha_w. start is the initial coverage level to start calibration procedure. step is the coverage step size for each calibration iteration. refine is the gradual decrease in step value when close to target coverage level, the default is TRUE which allows gradual decrease.


Should out-of-bag (OOB) predictions and prediction intervals for the training observations be returned?


A list with the following components:


Prediction intervals for test data with the classical method. A list containing lower and upper bounds.


Prediction intervals for test data with SPI method. A list containing lower and upper bounds.


Prediction intervals for test data with HDR method. A list containing lower and upper bounds of prediction interval for each test observation. There may be multiple PIs for a single observation.


Prediction intervals for test data with contiguous HDR method. A list containing lower and upper bounds.


Prediction intervals for test data with quantiles method. A list containing lower and upper bounds.


Random forest predictions for test data.


If available, test response.


Working level of alpha, i.e. αw\alpha_w. A numeric array for the PI methods entered with pi_method. If calibration = FALSE, it returns NULL.


Split rule used for building the random forest.


Random forest package that was used for RF training.


Out-of-bag (OOB) prediction intervals for train data. Prediction intervals are built with alpha. If oob = FALSE, it returns NULL.


Out-of-bag (OOB) predictions for train data. If oob = FALSE, it returns NULL.


Train response.


Calibration process

The calibration procedure uses the "Bag of Observations for Prediction" (BOP) idea. BOP for a new observation is built with the set inbag observations that are in the same terminal nodes as the new observation. The calibration procedure uses the BOPs constructed for the training observations. BOP for a training observation is built using only the trees where this training observation is out-of-bag (OOB).

Let (1α1-\alpha) be the target coverage level. The goal of the calibration is to find the value of αw\alpha_w, which is the working level of α\alpha called by Roy and Larocque (2020), such that the coverage level of the prediction intervals for the training observations is closest to the target coverage level. The idea is to find the value of αw\alpha_w using the OOB-BOPs. Once found, (1αw1-\alpha_w) becomes the level used to build the prediction intervals for the new observations.


Roy, M. H., & Larocque, D. (2020). Prediction intervals with random forests. Statistical methods in medical research, 29(1), 205-229. doi:10.1177/0962280219829885.

See Also

piall pibf print.rfpredinterval


## load example data
data(BostonHousing, package = "RFpredInterval")

## define train/test split
testindex <- 1:10
trainindex <- sample(11:nrow(BostonHousing), size = 100, replace = FALSE)
traindata <- BostonHousing[trainindex, ]
testdata <- BostonHousing[testindex, ]
px <- ncol(BostonHousing) - 1

## contruct 90% PI with "l1" split rule and "spi" PI method with calibration
out <- rfpi(formula = medv ~ ., traindata = traindata,
  testdata = testdata, alpha = 0.1, calibration = TRUE,
  split_rule = "l1", pi_method = "spi", params_rfsrc = list(ntree = 50),
  params_calib = list(range = c(0.89, 0.91), start = 0.9, step = 0.01,
  refine = TRUE))

## get the PI with "spi" method for first observation in the testdata
c(out$spi_interval$lower[1], out$spi_interval$upper[1])

## get the random forest predictions for testdata

## get the working level of alpha (alphaw)

## contruct 95% PI with "ls" split rule, "lm" and "quant" PI methods
## with calibration and use "ranger" package for RF training
out2 <- rfpi(formula = medv ~ ., traindata = traindata,
  testdata = testdata, split_rule = "ls", pi_method = c("lm", "quant"),
  rf_package = "ranger", params_ranger = list(num.trees = 50))

## get the PI with "quant" method for the testdata
cbind(out2$quant_interval$lower, out2$quant_interval$upper)

[Package RFpredInterval version 1.0.8 Index]