Back-Calculation of Fish Length

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Documentation for package ‘RFishBC’ version 0.2.7

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addNote Add a note to an existing RData file
addRadCap Add total radius-at-capture to wide increments data.
aStandard Finds standard intercept (a) for Fraser-Lee back-calculation model for a particular species.
backCalc Back-calculate length at previous ages from standard data format.
bcFuns Creates a function for a specific model.
combineData Combines radii data from multiple files into one data.frame
digitizeRadii Collect radial measurements from a calcified structure by interactively selecting annuli
findNotes Returns the notes from the chosen R Data files
findScalingFactor Find scaling factor from object of known length
gConvert Converts between types of measurements.
getID Extracts a fish identification from a vector of image file names
listFiles List files with a specific extension in a folder/directory
RFBCoptions See or set arguments for common RFishBC functions
saveDigitizedImage Save to a file the structure image saved in an R data file with selected points.
showDigitizedImage Show points selected on a structure image and saved in an R data file
SMBassWB1 Fish-specific data for West Bearskin Lake Smallmouth Bass.
SMBassWB2 Radial measurements for for West Bearskin Lake Smallmouth Bass.
StdIntLit Standard intercepts for Fraser-Lee model by species.