h.northport {RFPM} | R Documentation |
Northport Data, Hyalella azteca Toxicity
Example dataset
A data.frame with 147 rows and 15 variables:
- Sample
sediment sample ID
- Al
aluminum concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- As
arsenic concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Cu
copper concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Cd
cadmium concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Cr
chromium concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Fe
iron concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Pb
lead concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Hg
mercury concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Ni
nickel concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Zn
zinc concentration, mg/kg dry weight
- Organism
organism abbreviation,
= Hyalella azteca- Meas_Day
measurement day for toxicity endpoint (post-initiation)
- Endpoint
toxicity endpoint
- Hit
logical; whether the sample was classified as toxic
is a field-collected dataset containing sediment chemical concentrations for metals and toxicity classification data for
the amphipod Hyalella azteca. Data are from a freshwater site in Washington State (Dowling and Roland 2019).
Dowling B, Roland J. 2019. Establishment of site-specific SMS metals cleanup objectives for contaminated sediments - Northport waterfront and nearshore state cleanup site. Washington State Department of Ecology.