sEddyProc_sMRFluxPartition {REddyProc} | R Documentation |
sEddyProc sMRFluxPartition
Nighttime-based partitioning of net ecosystem fluxes into gross fluxes GPP and REco
sEddyProc_sMRFluxPartition(FluxVar = if (missing(FluxVar.s)) "NEE_f" else FluxVar.s,
QFFluxVar = if (missing(QFFluxVar.s)) "NEE_fqc" else QFFluxVar.s,
QFFluxValue = if (missing(QFFluxValue.n)) 0L else QFFluxValue.n,
TempVar = if (missing(TempVar.s)) "Tair_f" else TempVar.s,
QFTempVar = if (missing(QFTempVar.s)) "Tair_fqc" else QFTempVar.s,
QFTempValue = if (missing(QFTempValue.n)) 0 else QFTempValue.n,
RadVar = if (missing(RadVar.s)) "Rg" else RadVar.s,
TRef = if (missing(T_ref.n)) 273.15 +
15 else T_ref.n, suffix = if (missing(Suffix.s)) "" else Suffix.s,
FluxVar.s, QFFluxVar.s, QFFluxValue.n,
TempVar.s, QFTempVar.s, QFTempValue.n,
RadVar.s, T_ref.n, Suffix.s, debug.l,
debug = if (!missing(debug.l)) debug.l else list(useLocaltime = FALSE),
parsE0Regression = list())
FluxVar |
Variable name of column with original and filled net ecosystem fluxes (NEE) |
QFFluxVar |
Quality flag of NEE variable |
QFFluxValue |
Value of quality flag for _good_ (original) data |
TempVar |
Filled air- or soil temperature variable (degC) |
QFTempVar |
Quality flag of filled temperature variable |
QFTempValue |
Value of temperature quality flag for _good_ (original) data |
RadVar |
Unfilled (original) radiation variable |
TRef |
temperature in Kelvin (degK)
used in |
suffix |
String suffix needed for different processing setups on the same dataset (for explanations see below) |
FluxVar.s |
deprecated |
QFFluxVar.s |
deprecated |
QFFluxValue.n |
deprecated |
TempVar.s |
deprecated |
QFTempVar.s |
deprecated |
QFTempValue.n |
deprecated |
RadVar.s |
deprecated |
T_ref.n |
deprecated |
Suffix.s |
deprecated |
debug.l |
deprecated |
debug |
with debugging control
(passed also to
parsE0Regression |
with further parameters passed down to
- Description of newly generated variables with partitioning results:
PotRad - Potential radiation
FP_NEEnight - Good (original) NEE nighttime fluxes used for flux partitioning
FP_Temp - Good (original) temperature measurements used for flux partitioning
E_0 - Estimated temperature sensitivity
R_ref - Estimated reference respiration
Reco - Estimated ecosystem respiration
GPP_f - Estimated gross primary production
- Background
This partitioning is based on the regression of nighttime respiration with temperature using the Lloyd-Taylor-Function
. First the temperature sensitivity E_0 is estimated from short term data, seesEddyProc_sRegrE0fromShortTerm
. Next the reference temperature R_ref is estimated for successive periods throughout the whole dataset (seesEddyProc_sRegrRref
). These estimates are then used to calculate the respiration during daytime and nighttime and with this GPP. Attention: Gap filling of the net ecosystem fluxes (NEE) and temperature measurements (Tair or Tsoil) is required prior to the partitioning!
- Selection of daytime data based on solar time
The respiration-temperature regression is very sensitive to the selection of night- and daytime data. Nighttime is selected by a combined threshold of current solar radiation and potential radiation. The current implementation calculates potential radiation based on exact solar time, based on latitude and longitude. (see
) Therefore it might differ from implementations that use local winter clock time instead.
- Different processing setups on the same dataset
Attention: When processing the same site data set with different setups for the gap filling or flux partitioning (e.g. due to different ustar filters), a string suffix is needed! This suffix is added to the result column names to distinguish the results of the different setups. If a suffix is provided and if the defaults for FluxVar and QFFluxVar are used, the suffix will be added to their variable names (e.g. 'NEE_f' will be renamed to 'NEE_uStar_f' and 'NEE_fqc' to 'NEE_uStar_fqc' for the suffix = 'uStar'). Currently, this works only with defaults of FluxVar = 'NEE_f' and QFFluxVar = 'NEE_fqc'.
Flux partitioning results (see variables in details) in sTEMP data frame (with renamed columns). On success, return value is NULL. On failure an integer scalar error code is returned: -111 if regression of E_0 failed due to insufficient relationship in the data.
Department for Biogeochemical Integration at MPI-BGC, Jena, Germany <> [cph], Thomas Wutzler <> [aut, cre], Markus Reichstein <> [aut], Antje Maria Moffat <> [aut, trl], Olaf Menzer <> [ctb], Mirco Migliavacca <> [aut], Kerstin Sickel <> [ctb, trl], Ladislav <U+0160>igut <> [ctb]
Reichstein M, Falge E, Baldocchi D et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology, 11, 1424-1439.