partGLControl {REddyProc} | R Documentation |
Default list of parameters for Lasslop 2010 daytime flux partitioning
For highest compatibility to the pvWave code of G.Lasslop
(used by first BGC-online tool)
see function partGLControlLasslopCompatible
partGLControl(LRCFitConvergenceTolerance = 0.001,
nLRCFitConvergenceTolerance = 0.001,
nBootUncertainty = 30L, minNRecInDayWindow = 10L,
isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids = TRUE,
isLasslopPriorsApplied = TRUE, isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints = FALSE,
isSdPredComputed = TRUE, isFilterMeteoQualityFlag = FALSE,
isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = TRUE, fixedTRefAtNightTime = NA,
isExtendTRefWindow = TRUE, smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = TRUE,
isNeglectPotRadForNight = FALSE, NRHRfunction = FALSE,
isNeglectVPDEffect = FALSE, isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE,
fixedTempSens = data.frame(E0 = NA_real_,
sdE0 = NA_real_, RRef = NA_real_),
replaceMissingSdNEEParms = c(perc = 0.2,
minSd = 0.7), neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing = FALSE,
minPropSaturation = NA, useNightimeBasalRespiration = FALSE)
LRCFitConvergenceTolerance |
convergence criterion for rectangular light response curve fit. If relative improvement of reducing residual sum of squares between predictions and observations is less than this criterion, assume convergence. Decrease to get more precise parameter estimates, Increase for speedup. |
nLRCFitConvergenceTolerance |
convergence criterion for nonrectangular light response curve fit. Here its a factor of machine tolerance. |
nBootUncertainty |
number of bootstrap samples for estimating uncertainty. Set to zero to derive uncertainty from curvature of a single fit |
minNRecInDayWindow |
Minimum number of data points for regression |
isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids |
set to FALSE to associate parameters to the first record of the window for interpolation instead of mean across valid records inside a window |
isLasslopPriorsApplied |
set to TRUE to apply strong fixed priors on LRC fitting. Returned parameter estimates claimed valid for some case where not enough data was available |
isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints |
set to TRUE to avoid quality constraints additional to Lasslop 2010 |
isSdPredComputed |
set to FALSE to avoid computing standard errors of Reco and GPP for small performance increase |
isFilterMeteoQualityFlag |
set to TRUE to use only records where quality flag of meteo drivers (radiation, temperature, VPD) is zero, i.e. non-gapfilled for parameter estimation. For prediction, the gap-filled value is used always, to produce predictions also for gaps. |
isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty |
set to FALSE to avoid adjustment of very low uncertainties before day-Time fitting that avoids the high leverage those records with unreasonable low uncertainty. |
fixedTRefAtNightTime |
if a finite value (degree Centigrade) is given, it is used instead of median data temperature as reference temperature in estimation of temperature sensitivity from night data |
isExtendTRefWindow |
set to FALSE to avoid successively extending the night-time window in order to estimate a temperature sensitivity where previous estimates failed |
smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime |
set to FALSE to use independent estimates of temperature sensitivity on each windows instead of a vector of E0 that is smoothed over time |
isNeglectPotRadForNight |
set to TRUE to not use potential radiation in determining night-time data. |
NRHRfunction |
deprecated: Flag if TRUE use the NRHRF
for partitioning; Now use |
isNeglectVPDEffect |
set to TRUE to avoid using VPD in the computations. This may help when VPD is rarely measured. |
isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect |
set to FALSE to avoid
repeating estimation
with |
fixedTempSens |
of one row or nRow = nWindow
corresponding to return value of |
replaceMissingSdNEEParms |
parameters for
replacing missing standard deviation of NEE.
see |
neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing |
If set to TRUE: if there are records with missing uncertainty of NEE inside one window, set all uncertainties to 1. This overrules option replaceMissingSdNEEParms. |
minPropSaturation |
quality criterion for sufficient data in window. If GPP prediction of highest PAR of window is less than minPropSaturation * (GPP at light-saturation, i.e. beta) this indicates that PAR is not sufficiently high to constrain the shape of the LRC |
useNightimeBasalRespiration |
set to TRUE to estimate nighttime respiration based on basal respiration estimated on nighttime data instead of basal respiration estimated from daytime data. This implements the modified daytime method from Keenan 2019 (doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0809-2) |
list with entries of given arguments.
TW Department for Biogeochemical Integration at MPI-BGC, Jena, Germany <> [cph], Thomas Wutzler <> [aut, cre], Markus Reichstein <> [aut], Antje Maria Moffat <> [aut, trl], Olaf Menzer <> [ctb], Mirco Migliavacca <> [aut], Kerstin Sickel <> [ctb, trl], Ladislav <U+0160>igut <> [ctb]
See Also
partGLControl(nBootUncertainty = 40L)