randomSVD {RESET}R Documentation

Implementation of a sparse powered randomized singular value decomposition.


Computes an approximate rank k singular value decomposition (SVD) of an n-by-p input matrix X using a sparse randomized embedding with optional subspace power iterations. The randomColumnSpace method is used to generate an rank k approximation of the column space of X. This n-by-k approximation Y is then used to create a k-by-p projection B of X onto this rank k subspace via B=Y^TX. A non-random SVD is computed for B and this SVD solution is used to generate an approximate rank k SVD of X.


    randomSVD(X, k=2, q=0, sparsity.structure=NULL, test.dist="normal")



An n-by-p target matrix.


Target rank. Defaults to 2. See description in randomColumnSpace.


Number of power iterations. Defaults to 0. See description in randomColumnSpace.


Optional sparsity structure. See description in randomColumnSpace.


Type of random variable used to populate non-sparse elements of random test matrix. See description in randomColumnSpace.


List with the following elements:

See Also



  # Simulate a 100-by-100 matrix of random Poisson data
  X = matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=2), nrow=100)
  # Create a random sparsity structure for 100-by-5 random test matrix; half elements will be 0
  sparsity.structure = sample(1:500, 250, replace=TRUE)
  # Compute rank 5 SVD of X using a sparse test matrix
  svd.out = randomSVD(X,k=5,sparsity.structure=sparsity.structure)
  # Compute using a dense test matrix with U(0,1) RVs
  svd.out = randomSVD(X,k=5,test.dist="uniform")

[Package RESET version 1.0.0 Index]