Regulatory DNA Element Prediction

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Documentation for package ‘REPTILE’ version 1.0

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REPTILE-package Regulatory Element Prediction
calculate_epimark_deviation Internal - calculating intensity deviation feature
get_option_parser_compute_score Internal - parsing options for REPTILE_compute_score.R
get_option_parser_evaluation Internal - parsing options for REPTILE_evaluate_prediction.R
get_option_parser_training Internal - parsing options for REPTILE_train.R
read_epigenomic_data Reading epigenomic data from epimark file
read_label Reading labels of regions from label file
REPTILE Regulatory Element Prediction
reptile_eval_prediction Evaluating the prediction results
reptile_predict Predicting enhancer activity of given regions
reptile_predict_genome_wide Predicting enhancer activity
reptile_predict_one_mode Internal - predicting enhancer activity of DMRs or query regions
reptile_train Learn a REPTILE enhancer model
reptile_train_one_mode Internal - Learn single random forest classifier
rsd REPTILE sample data (rsd)