REPPlab-package | R Interface to the Java Program 'EPP-lab' v1.0 |
coef-method | Extracts the Directions of an Epplab Object |
coef.epplab | Extracts the Directions of an Epplab Object |
EPPlab | Function for Exploratory Projection Pursuit. |
EPPlabAgg | Function to Aggregate Directions From epplab Objects |
EPPlabOutlier | Function to Find Outliers for an epplab Object |
fitted-method | Calculates projections of the Data |
fitted.epplab | Calculates projections of the Data |
pairs-method | Plots a Scatterplot Matrix for an epplab Object |
pairs.epplab | Plots a Scatterplot Matrix for an epplab Object |
plot-method | Plot for an epplab Object |
plot-method | Plot for an epplabOutlier Object |
plot.epplab | Plot for an epplab Object |
plot.epplabOutlier | Plot for an epplabOutlier Object |
predict-method | Calculates projections for a new Data Object |
predict.epplab | Calculates projections for a new Data Object |
print-method | Print an epplab Object |
print-method | Print an epplabOutlier Object |
print.epplab | Print an epplab Object |
print.epplabOutlier | Print an epplabOutlier Object |
ReliabilityData | Reliability Data from an Industrial Context |
screeplot-method | Creating a Screeplot for an epplab Object |
screeplot.epplab | Creating a Screeplot for an epplab Object |
summary-method | Summarize an epplab Object |
summary-method | Summarize an epplabOutlier Object |
summary.epplab | Summarize an epplab Object |
summary.epplabOutlier | Summarize an epplabOutlier Object |
WhitenSVD | Whitening Data Using Singular Value Decomposition |