REEMtree-package | Regression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data |
AutoCorrelationLRtest | Test for autocorrelation in the residuals of a RE-EM tree |
fitted.REEMtree | Extract the fitted values from a RE-EM tree |
is.REEMtree | Is a RE-EM tree object |
logLik.REEMtree | Log-likelihood of a RE-EM tree |
plot.REEMtree | Plot the RE-EM tree |
predict.REEMtree | Predictions from a regression tree with individual-specific effects |
print.REEMtree | Print a RE-EM Tree object |
ranef.REEMtree | Extract the estimated random effects from a RE-EM tree |
REEMtree | Create a RE-EM tree |
REEMtree.object | Random Effects/Expectation Maximization (RE-EM) Tree Object |
residuals.REEMtree | Extract the residuals from a RE-EM tree |
simpleREEMdata | Sample Data for RE-EM trees |
tree | Extract the regression tree associated with a RE-EM tree |
tree.REEMtree | Extract the regression tree associated with a RE-EM tree |