metadata_utilities {REDCapR}R Documentation

Manipulate and interpret the metadata of a REDCap project


A collection of functions that assists handling REDCap project metadata.


regex_named_captures(pattern, text, perl = TRUE)




The regular expression pattern. Required.


The text to apply the regex against. Required.


Indicates if perl-compatible regexps should be used. Default is TRUE. Optional.


The text containing the choices that should be parsed to determine the id and label values. Required.


The regex_named_captures() function is general, and not specific to REDCap; it accepts any arbitrary regular expression. It returns a base::data.frame() with as many columns as named matches.

The checkbox_choices() function is specialized, and accommodates the "select choices" for a single REDCap checkbox group (where multiple boxes can be selected). It returns a base::data.frame() with two columns, one for the numeric id and one for the text label.


Currently, a base::data.frame() is returned a row for each match, and a column for each named group within a match. For the retrieve_checkbox_choices() function, the columns will be.


Will Beasley


See the official documentation for permissible characters in a checkbox label. I'm bluffing here, because I don't know where this is located. If you know, please tell me.


# The weird ranges are to avoid the pipe character;
#   PCRE doesn't support character negation.
pattern_boxes <- "(?<=\\A| \\| )(?<id>\\d{1,}), (?<label>[\x20-\x7B\x7D-\x7E]{1,})(?= \\| |\\Z)"

choices_1 <- paste0(
  "1, American Indian/Alaska Native | ",
  "2, Asian | ",
  "3, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | ",
  "4, Black or African American | ",
  "5, White | ",
  "6, Unknown / Not Reported")

# This calls the general function, and requires the correct regex pattern.
REDCapR::regex_named_captures(pattern=pattern_boxes, text=choices_1)

# This function is designed specifically for the checkbox values.

## Not run: 
uri         <- ""
token       <- "9A81268476645C4E5F03428B8AC3AA7B"

ds_metadata <- redcap_metadata_read(redcap_uri=uri, token=token)$data
choices_2   <- ds_metadata[ds_metadata$field_name=="race", "select_choices_or_calculations"]

REDCapR::regex_named_captures(pattern=pattern_boxes, text=choices_2)

## End(Not run)

path_3         <- system.file(package="REDCapR", "test-data/project-simple/simple-metadata.csv")
ds_metadata_3  <- read.csv(path_3)
choices_3      <- ds_metadata_3[ds_metadata_3$field_name=="race", "select_choices_or_calculations"]
REDCapR::regex_named_captures(pattern=pattern_boxes, text=choices_3)

[Package REDCapR version 1.1.0 Index]