REDCap Castellated Data Handling

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Documentation for package ‘REDCapCAST’ version 24.6.1

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case_match_regex_list List-base regex case_when
char2choice Simple function to generate REDCap choices from character vector
char2cond Simple function to generate REDCap branching logic from character vector
clean_redcap_name clean_redcap_name
create_html_table Create two-column HTML table for data piping in REDCap instruments
create_instrument_meta Create zips file with necessary content based on data set
d2w Convert single digits to words
doc2dd Doc table to data dictionary - EARLY, DOCS MISSING
ds2dd (DEPRECATED) Data set to data dictionary function
ds2dd_detailed Extract data from stata file for data dictionary
easy_redcap Secure API key storage and data acquisition in one
file_extension Helper to import files correctly
focused_metadata focused_metadata
format_subheader Sub-header formatting wrapper
get_api_key Retrieve project API key if stored, if not, set and retrieve
get_id_name Get the id name
guess_time_only_filter Try at determining which are true time only variables
hms2character Change "hms" to "character" for REDCap upload.
html_tag_wrap Simple html tag wrapping for REDCap text formatting
is_missing Multi missing check
is_repeated_longitudinal Test if repeatable or longitudinal
mark_complete Completion marking based on completed upload
match_fields_to_form Match fields to forms
mtcars_redcap mtcars dataset slightly modified to use for Shiny app upload demonstration
process_user_input User input processing
process_user_input.character User input processing character User input processing data.frame
process_user_input.default User input processing default
process_user_input.response User input processing response
read_input Flexible file import based on extension
read_redcap_instrument Convenience function to download complete instrument, using token storage in keyring.
read_redcap_tables Download REDCap data
redcapcast_data Data set for demonstration
redcapcast_meta REDCap metadata from data base
REDCap_split Split REDCap repeating instruments table into multiple tables
redcap_wider Redcap Wider
replace_curly_quote Replace curly apostrophes and quotes from word
sanitize_split Sanitize list of data frames
server_factory Shiny server factory
shiny_cast Launch the included Shiny-app for database casting and upload
split_non_repeating_forms Split a data frame into separate tables for each form
strsplitx Extended string splitting
time_only_correction Correction based on time_only_filter function
ui_factory UI factory for shiny app