Calculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between Polygons

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Documentation for package ‘RCALI’ version 0.3.6

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RCALI-package Calculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between Polygons
as.poly Create an object of class 'poly'
califlopp Calculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles between Polygons
crlistpoly Create an object of class 'listpoly' from objects of class 'poly'
crpoly Create un object of class 'poly' by clicking on points
export Generic for 'export'
export.default export.default method
export.listpoly Create a polygons file in format 1.
fpollen Individual pollen dispersion function
fseed Individual seed dispersion function
generPoly Generate a regular grid of polygons
generVois Generate the neighbors of each polygon of a regular grid
getRes Read a result-file of 'califlopp'
listpoly-class Class 'listpoly'
plot.listpoly Plot of an object of class 'listpoly'
plot.poly Plot of an object of class 'poly'
poly-class Class 'poly'
range.listpoly Range of the coordinates of an object of class 'listpoly'
RCALI Calculation of the Integrated Flow of Particles Between Polygons
readpoly1 Read a polygons file in format 1
readpoly2 Read a polygons file in format 2