gMAP {RBesT} | R Documentation |
Meta-Analytic-Predictive Analysis for Generalized Linear Models
Meta-Analytic-Predictive (MAP) analysis for generalized linear
models suitable for normal, binary, or Poisson data. Model
specification and overall syntax follows mainly
family = gaussian,
tau.dist = c("HalfNormal", "TruncNormal", "Uniform", "Gamma", "InvGamma", "LogNormal",
"TruncCauchy", "Exp", "Fixed"),
tau.strata.pred = 1,
prior_PD = FALSE,
REdist = c("normal", "t"),
t.df = 5,
contrasts = NULL,
iter = getOption("RBesT.MC.iter", 6000),
warmup = getOption("RBesT.MC.warmup", 2000),
thin = getOption("RBesT.MC.thin", 4),
init = getOption("RBesT.MC.init", 1),
chains = getOption("RBesT.MC.chains", 4),
cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L)
## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
print(x, digits = 3, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)
## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
fitted(object, type = c("response", "link"), probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)
## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
coef(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)
## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
as.matrix(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
type = c("response", "link"),
probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
formula |
the model formula describing the linear predictor and encoding the grouping; see details |
family |
the family of distributions defining the statistical
model ( |
data |
optional data frame containing the variables of the
model. If not found in |
weights |
optional weight vector; see details below. |
offset |
offset term in statistical model used for Poisson data |
tau.strata |
sets the exchangability stratum per study. That is, it is expected that each study belongs to a single stratum. Default is to assign all studies to stratum 1. See section differential heterogeniety below. |
tau.dist |
type of prior distribution for |
tau.prior |
parameters of prior distribution for |
tau.strata.pred |
the index for the prediction stratum; default is 1. |
beta.prior |
mean and standard deviation for normal priors of regression coefficients, see section prior specification below. |
prior_PD |
logical to indicate if the prior predictive distribution should be sampled (no conditioning on the data). Defaults to |
REdist |
type of random effects distribution. |
t.df |
degrees of freedom if random-effects distribution is |
contrasts |
an optional list; See |
iter |
number of iterations (including warmup). |
warmup |
number of warmup iterations. |
thin |
period of saving samples. |
init |
positive number to specify uniform range on
unconstrained space for random initialization. See
chains |
number of Markov chains. |
cores |
number of cores for parallel sampling of chains. |
x , object |
digits |
number of displayed significant digits. |
probs |
defines quantiles to be reported. |
... |
optional arguments are ignored |
type |
sets reported scale ( |
The meta-analytic-predictive (MAP) approach derives a prior from
historical data using a hierarchical model. The statistical model is
formulated as a generalized linear mixed model for binary, normal
(with fixed \sigma
) and Poisson endpoints:
y_{ih}|\theta_{ih} \sim f(y_{ih} | \theta_{ih})
Here, i=1,\ldots,N
is the index for observations, and
is the index for the grouping (usually studies).
The model assumes the linear predictor for a transformed mean as
g(\theta_{ih}; x_{ih},\beta) = x_{ih} \, \beta + \epsilon_h
with x_{ih}
being the row vector of k
covariates for
observation i
. The variance component is assumed by default
\epsilon_h \sim N(0,\tau^2), \qquad h=1,\ldots,H
Lastly, the Bayesian implementation assumes independent normal
priors for the k
regression coefficients and a prior for the
between-group standard deviation \tau
(see taud.dist
for available distributions).
The MAP prior will then be derived from the above model as the
conditional distribution of \theta_{\star}
given the
available data and the vector of covariates x_{\star}
defining the overall intercept
\theta_{\star}| x_{\star},y .
A simple and common case arises for one observation (summary
statistic) per trial. For a normal endpoint, the model then simplifies
to the standard normal-normal hierarchical model. In the above
notation, i=h=1,\ldots,H
y_h|\theta_h \sim N(\theta_h,s_h^2)
\theta_h = \mu + \epsilon_h
\epsilon_h \sim N(0,\tau^2),
where the more common \mu
is used for the only (intercept)
parameter \beta_1
. Since there are no covariates, the MAP
prior is simply Pr(\theta_{\star} |
The hierarchical model is a compromise between the two extreme
cases of full pooling (\tau=0
, full borrowing, no
discounting) and no pooling (\tau=\infty
, no borrowing,
stratification). The information content of the
historical data grows with H (number of historical data items)
indefinitely for full pooling whereas no information is
gained in a stratified analysis. For a fixed
, the maximum effective sample
size of the MAP prior is n_\infty
), which for a normal endpoint with fixed
n_\infty = \left(\frac{\tau^2}{\sigma^2}\right)^{-1},
(Neuenschwander et al., 2010). Hence, the ratio
limits the amount of information a MAP prior is
equivalent to. This allows for a classification of \tau
values in relation to \sigma
, which is crucial to define a
prior P_\tau
. The following classification is useful in a
clinical trial setting:
Heterogeneity | \tau/\sigma | n_\infty |
small | 0.0625 | 256 |
moderate | 0.125 | 64 |
substantial | 0.25 | 16 |
large | 0.5 | 4 |
very large | 1.0 | 1 |
The above formula for n_\infty
assumes a known
. This is unrealistic as the between-trial heterogeneity
parameter is often not well estimable, in particular if the number
of trials is small (H small). The above table helps to specify a
prior distribution for \tau
appropriate for the given context
which defines the crucial parameter \sigma
. For binary and
Poisson endpoints, normal approximations can be used to determine
. See examples below for concrete cases.
The design matrix X
is defined by the formula for the linear
predictor and is always of the form response ~ predictor |
, which follows glm
conventions. The syntax has been extended to include a
specification of the grouping (for example study) factor of the
data with a horizontal bar, |
. The bar separates the
optionally specified grouping level, i.e. in the binary endpoint
case cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study
. By default it is assumed
that each row corresponds to an individual group (for which an
individual parameter is estimated). Specifics for the different
endpoints are:
- normal
assumes an identity link function. Theresponse
should be given as matrix with two columns with the first column being the observed mean valuey_{ih}
and the second column the standard errorse_{ih}
(of the mean). Additionally, it is recommended to specify with theweight
argument the number of units which contributed to the (mean) measurementy_{ih}
. This information is used to estimate\sigma
.- binary
assumes a logit link function. Theresponse
must be given as two-column matrix with number of respondersr
(first column) and non-respondersn-r
(second column).- Poisson
assumes a log link function. Theresponse
is a vector of counts. The total exposure times can be specified by anoffset
, which will be linearly added to the linear predictor. Theoffset
can be given as part of the formula,y ~ 1 + offset(log(exposure))
or as theoffset
argument togMAP
. Note that the exposure unit must be given as log-offset.
The function returns a S3 object of type gMAP
. See
the methods section below for applicable functions to query the
Methods (by generic)
: displays a summary of the gMAP analysis. -
: returns the quantiles of the posterior shrinkage estimates for each data item used during the analysis of the givengMAP
object. -
: returns the quantiles of the predictive distribution. User can choose withtype
if the result is on the response or the link scale. -
: extracts the posterior sample of the model. -
: returns the summaries of a gMAP. analysis. Output is agMAPsummary
object, which is a list containingtau
posterior summary of the heterogeneity standard deviation
posterior summary of the regression coefficients
summary of the predictive distribution (given in dependence on the
argument either onresponse
posterior summary of the mean estimate (also depends on the
Differential Discounting
The above model assumes the same between-group standard deviation
, which implies that the data are equally relevant. This
assumption can be relaxed to more than one \tau
. That is,
\epsilon_h \sim N(0,\tau_{s(h)}^2)
where s(h)
assignes group h
to one of S
between-group heterogeneity strata.
For example, in a situation with two randomized and four
observational studies, one may want to assume \tau_1
trials 1 and 2) and \tau_2
(for trials 3-6) for the
between-trial standard deviations of the control means. More
heterogeneity (less relevance) for the observational studies can
then be expressed by appropriate priors for \tau_1
. In this case, S=2
and the strata assignments
(see tau.strata
argument) would be s(1)=s(2)=1,
Prior Specification
The prior distribution for the regression coefficients \beta
is normal.
If a single number is given, then this is used as the standard deviation and the default mean of 0 is used.
If a vector is given, it must be of the same length as number of covariates defined and is used as standard deviation.
If a matrix with a single row is given, its first row will be used as mean and the second row will be used as standard deviation for all regression coefficients.
Lastly, a two-column matrix (mean and standard deviation columns) with as many columns as regression coefficients can be given.
It is recommended to always specify a beta.prior
. Per
default a mean of 0 is set. The standard deviation is set to 2 for
the binary case, to 100 * sd(y)
for the normal case and to
sd(log(y + 0.5 + offset))
for the Poisson case.
For the between-trial heterogeniety \tau
prior, a dispersion
parameter must always be given for each exchangeability
stratum. For the different tau.prior
distributions, two
parameters are needed out of which one is set to a default value if
Prior | a | b | default |
HalfNormal | \mu = 0 | \sigma | |
TruncNormal | \mu | \sigma | \mu = 0 |
Uniform | a | b | a = 0 |
Gamma | \alpha | \beta | |
InvGamma | \alpha | \beta | |
LogNormal | \mu_{\log} | \sigma_{\log} | |
TruncCauchy | \mu | \sigma | \mu = 0 |
Exp | \beta | 0 | |
Fixed | a | 0 | |
For a prior distribution with a default location parameter, a
vector of length equal to the number of exchangability strata can
be given. Otherwise, a two-column matrix with as many rows as
exchangability strata must be given, except for a single \tau
stratum, for which a vector of length two defines the parameters a
and b.
Random seed
The MAP analysis is performed using
Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC) in rstan
is a stochastic algorithm. To obtain exactly reproducible results
you must use the set.seed
before calling gMAP
. See RBesT
overview page for global options on setting further MCMC simulation
Neuenschwander B, Capkun-Niggli G, Branson M, Spiegelhalter DJ. Summarizing historical information on controls in clinical trials. Clin Trials. 2010; 7(1):5-18
Schmidli H, Gsteiger S, Roychoudhury S, O'Hagan A, Spiegelhalter D, Neuenschwander B. Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics 2014;70(4):1023-1032.
Weber S, Li Y, Seaman III J.W., Kakizume T, Schmidli H. Applying Meta-Analytic Predictive Priors with the R Bayesian evidence synthesis tools. JSS 2021; 100(19):1-32
See Also
, forest_plot
, automixfit
, predict.gMAP
## Setting up dummy sampling for fast execution of example
## Please use 4 chains and 20x more warmup & iter in practice
.user_mc_options <- options(RBesT.MC.warmup=50, RBesT.MC.iter=100,
RBesT.MC.chains=2, RBesT.MC.thin=1)
# Binary data example 1
# Mean response rate is ~0.25. For binary endpoints
# a conservative choice for tau is a HalfNormal(0,1) as long as
# the mean response rate is in the range of 0.2 to 0.8. For
# very small or large rates consider the n_infinity approach
# illustrated below.
# for exact reproducible results, the seed must be set
map_AS <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study,
tau.dist="HalfNormal", tau.prior=1,
# obtain numerical summaries
map_sum <- summary(map_AS)
# [1] "tau" "beta" "theta.pred" "theta"
# graphical model checks (returns list of ggplot2 plots)
map_checks <- plot(map_AS)
# forest plot with shrinkage estimates
# density of MAP prior on response scale
# density of MAP prior on link scale
# obtain shrinkage estimates
# regression coefficients
# finally fit MAP prior with parametric mixture
map_mix <- mixfit(map_AS, Nc=2)
# optionally select number of components automatically via AIC
map_automix <- automixfit(map_AS)
# Normal example 2, see normal vignette
# Prior considerations
# The general principle to derive a prior for tau can be based on the
# n_infinity concept as discussed in Neuenschwander et al., 2010.
# This assumes a normal approximation which applies for the colitis
# data set as:
p_bar <- mean(with(colitis, r/n))
s <- round(1/sqrt(p_bar * (1-p_bar)), 1)
# s is the approximate sampling standard deviation and a
# conservative prior is tau ~ HalfNormal(0,s/2)
tau_prior_sd <- s/2
# Evaluate HalfNormal prior for tau
tau_cat <- c(pooling=0
# Interval probabilites (basically saying we are assuming
# heterogeniety to be smaller than very large)
diff(2*pnorm(tau_cat * s, 0, tau_prior_sd))
# Cumulative probabilities as 1-F
1 - 2*(pnorm(tau_cat * s, 0, tau_prior_sd) - 0.5)
## Recover user set sampling defaults